The Fates Are Bored

Why didn't you just bring them here the normal way?"

"That would have been no fun."

"Oh Airlea, this wasn't about having fun. You need to grow up."

"I am."

"Then behave like it."

Consciousness is slowly creeping up on me. And not in a good way.

My head hurts, my body aches, everything is spinning. Basically, I want to get back to sleep. But I know that would be a bad idea.

In between the pulsing pain in my head, I remember what happened. The crack. Alis jumping into it. Then, nothing.


No response.

"Why are there only three of them? I thought she had four?"

That voice again. It's that of a woman, and while she sounds quite old, she speaks with authority. Someone you don't want to cross.

"The Portal closed before the others could get through." A younger woman. She sounds familiar. It takes my foggy brain a moment to make the connection, but when I do, I just about manage to stop myself from gasping. The girl from the beach. The servant of the Fates.

"And why did it close?" The woman's displeasure is clear.

The girl sighs. "Because I left it open for too long. Sorry, Lach."

"And why did you do that?"

"Because I was bored and wanted some fun. I already said sorry."

"But you didn't mean it." Now it's the older woman who sighs. "Run to my sisters and tell them our guests have arrived."

Footsteps, away from me, but only one pair. The older woman is still here.

"I know you're awake."

Damn, how did she know that? I thought I'd kept my breathing regular and I definitely didn't move.

"Come on, get up, we have a lot to discuss."

Cautiously, I sit up, cringing as the pounding in my head increases. With relief, I notice that I'm not naked as I usually am after shifting, but that I'm wearing a simple white robe, made from a silky material that's both light and warm at the same time. I'm trying to tell myself that maybe I arrived in this robe and that nobody actually saw me naked and dressed me in it. Just because I'm comfortable being naked around the guys doesn't mean the same is true for strangers. Even if they are women.

I climb to my feet, ignoring the urge to puke because of that terrible headache, and turn around to face the woman. She's not as old as I imagined after hearing her voice. Maybe late fifties or early sixties. But as soon as I think that, I see her eyes and adjust my guess to about a thousand years old. Or more. Those eyes… Wow. They're like mini universes, full of knowledge, memories and emotion. I feel like I'm being sucked into them…

I avert my gaze and look down to the floor. It's marble, polished and cool. How did I not notice that while I was lying there? I must have been cold, but I didn't feel it.

"I am Lachesis, the Drawer of Lots. Welcome to my home."

I can't help but look up at her again, but this time, I avoid her eyes.

"That sounds as if I'm your guest and here voluntarily."

She smiles. "Aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. We were lured here, bewitched somehow."

She chuckles gently. That smile of hers is making me angry, but I grit my teeth, hoping she won't notice.

"But you wanted to find us, didn't you? You wanted to find the Portal?"

I repress a growl. My bear side is getting stronger.

"Yes, but we wanted to make our own decision to go through it or not."

Her chuckle turns into a laugh. "Dear child, you don't make decisions we haven't already made for you. We are the Fates, we make everyone's decisions."

I meet her gaze with a defiant stare. "And if I don't want you to make mine for me?"

"Then you come to me," a cold voice says behind me. I whirl around to look at the woman who said that. She's younger than Lachesis, but not by much. Her hair is like spun gold, falling down to below her hips. While she is beautiful, her expression is cold, unfriendly. There's a twist to her lips that tells of a lot of scowling.

Behind her, another woman follows with the creepy girl. Three women. The Fates.

"Meet Atty and Clotho," Lachesis introduces them and the blonde woman frowns.

"Atropos. Call me Atty at your own peril."

I shudder at her expression. From what Alis told me, Atropos is the Fate who cuts the threads. Not to set people free, no, but to kill them. Officially it's when their time has come, but Alis wasn't too sure about that. Seeing Atropos, I can imagine she might cut threads prematurely out of spite. Now I know what Lachesis meant. If I don't want them to make decisions for me, the alternative is death.

That realisation turns my stomach and I have to fight against the bile rising to my throat. Are we all really just puppets in their hands? Are none of our decision our own? Have they pre-planned our entire lives and nothing we ever do is out of our own free will?

Then what is the point of living? These Fates could just as well write stories rather than having real people act them out.

"Listen to us before you judge," the third woman, Clotho, says softly. Her voice is melodic and beautiful, and for once, here's a Fate who doesn't look scary. She smiles at me and it actually reaches her eyes. Her dark locks frame her pale face like a painting, highlighting her high cheekbones and thin nose. She's stunning.

That's when I notice she replied to my thoughts.

"Can you read my mind?"

Lachesis laughs. "Of course, how else would we decide your fate?"

"Does that mean it's not already decided?"

Atropos chuckles coldly, but it doesn't hold much humour. "Oh, she's a clever one. Careful, sisters, she might see through all our evil plans."

Clotho clucks her tongue in disapproval. "Atty, stop the charades. She's our guest and you should treat her as such."

Atropos scowls. "I didn't invite her."

"No, you didn't, but Lach and I did, so you're overruled. Now you can either behave or leave."

The golden-haired woman looks tempted to storm off, but she stays.

Using the quiet moment, I ask, "Where are my mates?"

Atropos sneers, but Clotho smiles benevolently. "They're next door, don't worry about them. Now, you probably have a lot of questions…"

"I want to see them," I interrupt her and her smile wavers a little.

"As you wish. Follow me."

With a swirl of her gown, she walks out of the room and I hurry to follow her. The other two Fates stay behind, but I couldn't care less. I need to see my guys.

The house we're in is airy and bright. White painted wood reflects the sunlight streaming in through high windows on both sides of the hallway. Somehow it reminds me of a beach pavilion in the south of England I once visited.

Clotho doesn't look back once as she sweeps through the house, ignoring doors on both sides of the corridor. Not quite next door, then, like she said.

Finally, she stops in front of a beautifully carved white door. It looks like it should be in a museum, not in a house. She knocks but doesn't wait for a response before entering.

Inside are two bears, sleeping on the ground, hugging each other. Húnn and Ràn. My guys.

"Where are the others?"

She shrugs. "The Portal closed before they could get through. They're still on Earth."

I squeeze past Clotho and run to them, kneeling by Húnn's side. He seems to be uninjured but he's not responding to my touch.

"Húnn?" I ask cautiously, then louder. "Húnn! Ràn!"

They don't even twitch. They're breathing though, so they're not dead.

Isla, don't think such things. Of course, they're not dead. They're not allowed to be.

"They're asleep," Clotho explains and I huff in frustration.

"I can see that! Why aren't they waking up?"

"They threatened my sisters, so we had to put them to sleep. They refused to shift, which made it harder to communicate with them." She smiles. "Now that you've seen that they're alright, can we go back?"

I stare at her in outrage. "Wake. Them. Up. Now."

My voice is turning into a growl, but she doesn't flinch as I'd hoped. She continues to smile. I'm beginning to think that she might be more dangerous than Atropos. Not that any of them aren't dangerous. They're the Fates – just because they look like pretty women doesn't mean they won't cut my thread in a heartbeat.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Let's go back and talk," she says in a sweet voice.

"No. I want them awake."

Her smile doesn't change.

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

"Why not?" I shout. "Did you make another mistake?"

This time, she flinches slightly, but regains her composure instantly.

"We don't make mistakes. Now come with me or I'll keep them asleep for a lot longer than you'd like."

Hate for her and her sisters boils up in me. Who do these women think they are? They're playing with our lives and don't seem to care about the consequences. They've probably done this for so long that they've lost all humanity. If they ever had any. Maybe they've always been the bitches they are now.

"Watch your language," she says softly. "People used to cower before us. You should be honoured you're in our presence."

"Well, I'm not," I retort with a grimace. No way would I bow to them. "And I'm not going to leave this room until you've woken up my mates."

Her smile changes. "But isn't just one of them mated with you?"

That bitch. I'm tempted to slap her.

"The other one will be as soon as I get the chance."

"But will you get the chance?" She lets that question take effect. I'm sure she's gloating as my heart tightens. Of course, I'll get the chance. Of course, I'll get bonded to Húnn. Of course, he'll be part of my sleuth. My harem. My men.

No question about that. Even if I have to rip my thread from the Fates and make my own destiny. Which sounds like a very good idea right now.

Clotho's expression hardens as she hears my thoughts.

"Only a handful of people have managed that. All of them have brought disaster upon us. Upon the world. Believe me, you don't want to be one of them."

"Then wake up my men," I snarl, running my hand through Húnn's fur, willing him to come back to me. I need him. I need all of them. I reach out and touch Ràn as well. A slight tingle runs through my arm. The bond, maybe? It doesn't happen when I touch Húnn, so it has to be.

Clotho sighs in exasperation. "If you insist."

She waves her hand dismissively and Húnn takes a deep breath and opens his eyes. Ràn starts to snore.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, I have to laugh. A bear snore is loud.

Húnn stretches his front paws and looks around. He doesn't seem aware that he's in a new place and in potential danger. He stands up and shakes his fur.

Ràn continues to sleep, but it's a more normal sleep now compared to the coma-like state they were in before. I stroke the soft fur on his forehead and behind his ears. He takes a deep breath but doesn't wake up.

"You said you'd wake them up!" I accuse Clotho, who's watching us curiously.

"He doesn't seem to want to."

Húnn turns around and looks at me. It's strange… I don't think he recognises me.

"Pelja?" I ask hesitantly. "It's me, Isla."

He sniffs my legs. I hold out my hand and he sniffs that too. Usually, he'd lick it; it's become a bit of a ritual between us. This time, he opens his mouth and growls.

I step back, astonished at the aggression showing in his stance. Why would he behave like that?

"Húnn, it's me! Your Isla!"

Alis! I shout inside my head. I need you.

She doesn't respond. If I can't reach her and Pelja isn't himself…

"What have you done?"


The bear that isn't really Pelja approaches me and growls again. There's no recognition in his eyes.


He doesn't know who I am. And he looks pissed. He was so calm a moment ago, but now… I'm getting a little scared.

"Pelja, calm down. You know me… try and remember…"

He lifts himself onto his hind legs, presenting his chest, before letting himself fall down onto all fours again. He's showing how strong he is. Bad sign.

"Clotho, it won't help anyone if he attacks me now. Or you. Just turn him back to normal, please!"

She sighs. "I told you so."

Pelja begins to blink and wipes a paw over his eyes. He's wavering, losing control of his legs. He sinks to the floor and a moment later, he's fast asleep again. Ràn is still snoring.

Only now do I notice that I'm shaking. And that I have no idea what to do. My bears aren't recognising me. Two of them aren't here. And I'm stuck with three creepy women who apparently want something from me. And I can't trust them. They've made a mess already, who is to say they actually want to resolve the situation? Maybe they're glad the bear shifters are dying out. Or they just don't care. Either way, I need to be careful.

"That was fun," Clotho says with a satisfied smile. That bitch. Why would she do that to my bear? Just to amuse herself? Are the Fates really that bored?

"Ready to go back?" she asks and this time, I follow her. Asking her to wake up Húnn and Ràn again seems pointless. Not if they're not recognising me.

Let's get down to business.