What Do I Do?

Where did she get the dagger from? Ileus was furious and shocked. The pommel of the dagger was encrusted with gemstones. How did she manage to hide it for so long?

Ileus growled back… fiercely. "Move from there," he said through clenched jaws. "Else I won't be responsible for what I do to you!" 

"You move away from here!" She shouted. "Don't even think of coming near her." She swayed the dagger in her direction and the blade shone. 

Everyone closed in towards her. She turned a circle showing her dagger to all. She said in a guttural voice, "This is my dagger. I am trained to protect m'lady. If you as much as touch her, I will kill all of you!" She swayed the dagger in the air repeatedly. 

"Trained to protect her?" Ileus grumbled. "How come I never saw you in that mode at Vilinski?" His lips curled behind showing his sharp fangs that had lengthened a little. A rumble formed in his chest, which was slowly turning into a ferocious growl.