
Anastasia had arched her body and was squirming, feeling antsy as hell. Her eyes raked his chest and shoulders greedily. Mist from the waterfall had settled as tiny droplets on his skin that clung to his skin. "H— how's your injury?" she asked as her eyes went below the surface of water where she could see his erection throbbing. 

With his claws, Ileus removed his bandages and threw them aside. "I am healed, mostly," he said as he ran his calloused fingers on her slacks over the thighs. The girl was trying her best to control but her breath was ragged. 

"You have a star inside your tattoo." she rasped. "It wasn't there earlier." 

"It wasn't. But you drew it on my skin. You have branded me Ana!" 

Her eyes flew wide open. "How is this possible?"

"Maybe because you are a Fae, and if you draw with passion mingled with love on my skin, you will end up inking my skin everywhere."