Wedding (1)


Anastasia gasped at the sheer beauty of the scenery in front of her. Rolling hills with scrubby bushes that grew in clumps amidst stunted trees, dotted the landscape as far as she could see. Low marshmallow clouds drifted in the bright blue sky. Cool breeze tousled her hair and ruffled the carpet of purple and red blooms. Small boulders and rocks, puddles of water on the edge of which yellow gorse blossoms fluttered looked mesmerizing. Cutting through the moor was a wide and rushing river. From this distance, she couldn't make out the color of the river, but it sparkled like a million diamonds. 

"Why did Haldir send us here?" asked Anastasia. 

They started across the field. The knee-high grass scraped their clothes. Mingled in the grass were golden colored flowers, which she had never seen before. They resembled the amber hues of Ileus' eyes. Their smell was intoxicating, like honey mixed in rose and a hundred other aromatic herbs.