Game of Lure

"Where could he have gone?" she asked loudly. 

"I don't know." the girl replied. "I hope they find him soon. It's not that you get married everyday!"

Anastasia appeared flustered. She pursed her lips and her usual happy demeanor plummeted. 

"Princess, you are feeling tired, and we have a long way to go. Don't worry about Prince Ileus. I am sure he must be in the palace already. It would be better that you take some rest before we take you for the next custom," the girl suggested. All the other girls agreed with her. 

Anastasia stretched her limbs. Her eyes were droopy and she gave them a lazy smile. "Yes, it had been a long day for me," she replied as she stifled a yawn. "I would love to sleep." 

"Come," the girl waved her hand in the direction of her bedroom. 

As Anastasia walked, the wolf pup followed her. He was right on her trail. As soon as she opened the door of the room, the pup squeezed his way in.