Travel Back in Time

Anastasia had a haunted look in her eyes as Jor'gas tied the medallion around her neck. 

"Keep it with you," said Jor'gas with a smile. She took the cloth off her face. "You look so odd. What are you? You don't have wings, your skin is blue but your hair is golden. Are you a changeling?" She brushed her fingers on her arm. "The claw marks that you had here are still healing."

"Am I held captive?" Anastasia asked with a slight doubt in her voice. How could she say that she had slain numerous demons? But why was she still alive? 

Jor'gas jerked her head back. "Why would we hold you captive?" She got up and picked up the bowl. "But do you remember where you came from? You have been delirious for a long time now." 

"How long have I been unconscious?" 

"Almost three days," came the prompt reply. "But who is this Al?"