
Ileus rolled with her and pinned her beneath him. "Anastasia, what is wrong with you? Why can't you simply do what I ask you to? It is not safe to be alone even though we are close to Ixoviya!" 

The way his body pinned her, it was so possessive. He held her wrists above her head and his weight on her made her squirm. "Stay close to me." 

His breath fell on her cheeks making her squirm and reminding her of his woodsy smell. The more she squirmed, the more he pinned her under his weight. His one leg was over her and the other beside her. It was as if he was doing it out of anger, out of urgency to protect her and dominate her. 

"Ileus, you weren't listening to me!" she shouted at him, trying her best to free from his grasp, but the man was too strong. "I wanted to talk to you."