
The sound of wings beating—ones that she had grown so used to in Zor'gan… the bat-like wings that emitted the foul smell with every flap was strong and near. 

Anastasia swirled and her eyes met with the yellow slits of her cousin. Her bat-like wings flapped on her back and every stroke emanated a stench. 

"Bloody bitch!" Maple said.

"An enthusiastic response," Anastasia snarled. 

Without warning an arrow whizzed towards them. Ileus spun and shielded Anastasia's body with his. The arrow struck him in the back. His body jerked and he cursed in Russian. 

An enraged roar left her mouth and magic unfurled. Her first response was to send magic in the direction of the arrow. Loud screams were heard amidst shouts of "Bloody lion!" 

"You have done well in the past few days, cousin!" said Maple in a voice so dangerous that the hair on her neck stood up.