Turned On

"He developed the land with the help of his followers who came along with him to his world. Almost a thousand years later after he founded the Demon Realm, the younger brother fell in love with a human and had children with her." Ileus stopped the broom and helped her get down. The broom disappeared. He smoothed her hair back and continued, "That land was kept hidden by the elder brother. He created too many barriers. No one could pass through the barriers and reach the Demon Land. There are ferocious warriors that are said to keep a constant vigilance over the boundaries." He became silent and scanned the forest. "However, no one knows much about it. At least there is not much in Norhall's library." 

"You mean that right next to the Fae realm, there is a Demon realm?" Anastasia remarked with a raised eyebrow as if not believing a word. 

"That's what history says," he replied. "The inscriptions on your arm—some of it, resemble that language."