
Anastasia knew that once she promised, she wouldn't be able to come out of it. "I promise," she replied to allay his fears. 

"Good," he said with relief in his voice and squeezed her hand. 

Once they were all aboard the boats and riding the waves of the ocean, everyone fell silent. Tension was tangible. Every now and then Anastasia would let out a heavy exhale. Ileus held her hand and said, "If we don't return in two days, you will go back to the inn and wait." 

She whipped her gaze at him. "What do you mean, Ileus?" she almost spat her words. "And what if you don't return in three days, four days or a week? Should I continue to stay or should I go back to Vilinski?" She felt her heart ache at his words.

He stared in her eyes with his warm golden ones. "I didn't mean it like that…" 

"Then what do you mean?" she was extremely angry as her face hardened with the unknown that he was pointing out.