Dirty Talk

Anastasia got out of the bed and tied a low knot of her hair. Ileus jumped out of his chair and walked to his naked wife. He wrapped his arms around her and touched her back. She felt warmth running in her shoulder blades. She wanted to stop him but by then he unshackled her wings. The giant wings dropped behind her. She looked up at him with creased brows. His eyes burned like golden fireflies in the dark. 

"You are a fae princess, Anastasia. And I want everyone to know that you are special," he said looking into her sapphire eyes. 

Her pulse raced. "I am not special." 

He traced her cheekbones till her chin. "That is incorrect, love. You are very special to me and you are extremely special to the kingdom of Vilinski. As for Draoidh, we have to claim your special place here." He intertwined his fingers with hers and she felt the familiar bolt of electricity between them. "I will make sure that it happens."