Stone of Tepcha

Anastasia's doubts confirmed. The witch belonged to the kingdom of Draoidh. "How old are you?" she hurled her next question, hating every bit of coldness coming from the witch. 

The witch grinned, showing her full set of white pointy teeth and fangs that were freshly dipped in blood. "I am as old as you and as young as this Lore. I am you and you are me." She ran her claws over her arm and stopped when they reached her shoulders. Effortlessly, she poked her arm with her pointy claws and drew blood. 

"Ahhh!" Anastasia gasped at the pain. The blood around her old wounds had caked, and the blood from her fresh wound flowed over them. She slumped in the front and clenched her jaws. She heard the witch licking her claw and savoring her blood. 

"So full of power and so dangerous…" he hissed. "Your sacrifice would be the ultimate. It would end our struggle and we are going to unleash our force on this world."