[Bonus chapter]Who Was She?

"This place is called The Copse," said Darla. "Do you know it is Draven who owns it?" She opened the door of the restaurant. "It is very popular amongst witches and wizards. Since its on Level two, they have an exquisite clientele. Only the ministers and undersecretaries and their spouses, sons and daughters are allowed. The membership is whopping."

"It is lovely," said Anastasia, noticing its unique décor. It was a pretty cozy place with a garden-inspiring theme. Darla led them to an elevator that led to a level above. It was a circular balcony with segregated spaces designed like a forest. A gravel path wound through beds of flowers amidst which there were small trees strung with tiny lights that looked like fireflies. Wisteria vines in full bloom grew over some of the trees, lending their sweet fragrance to the air.