[Bonus chapter] Deal?

In the frenzy that followed, Anastasia realized that she had killed almost all who were there in her way to Lilette. She looked up again at those who had come closer. They were very close and if she didn't turn back now, she might get caught by them. She whipped her head to look at Lilette whose mouth curved into a vicious smile as if challenging her to come near. It was impossible to control herself now. She lunged at her when from the corner of her eyes she saw someone attacking Ileus. 

"On your left!" she shouted and changed her direction immediately. Anastasia flapped her wings hard to change her direction and go to him. As soon as she reached him, she kicked the wizard on the head who was about to hurl a beam of white lights at Ileus. When the wizard stumbled, she yanked his head back and shoved the Evindal sword in his chest. The wizard's body convulsed before it hit the ground.