
Etaya leaned forward and smashed the paper on the table in front of her. She exhaled heavily and through her clenched teeth said, "We are going to attack Draoidh. Ready the army. We will depart tomorrow morning!" 

"The fae army would need a reason to attack Draoidh," said Yion with dead calm. "They won't attack blindly."

"Then give them a fucking reason!" said Aed Ruad. "I want to see that bitch Anastasia and—" he clasped his hands tightly together and rubbed them. 

Yion tilted his head to look at the family of three. What strange people they were… "They are tired of the same reason we give them—to increase our presence in the Lore, or to win more kingdoms. We have had plenty of wars under your name prince, but now they are tired."