Conspiracy Runs Deeper

When Iona stopped in front of her mother, she was the dark witch with pointy teeth and skin made from obsidian glass. Vision red and mind in a frenzy, Iona bared her teeth in a smile and said, "You have to kill me first." 

"With pleasure," Adrianna replied. 

Hearing her, Etaya yelled at her soldiers, "Attaaaackkk!" 

When both the armies clashed, the sound subdued the lightning in the skies. 

In the next second, Ileus unleashed a blast of blue light that slammed into the faes in the first line, Screams emanated. This was Ileus' signal. The wizards and witches moved, shooting like comets from the skies, just as the fae soldiers rose up from the ground with their wings. 

The witch army blasted their magic on the fae soldiers as they careened right or left to dodge it. The fae army retaliated well. They also used their magic and hurled it towards the foes.