
Ileus and Anastasia followed the direction of his voice through a corridor, a hall and a small staircase. They came to stand upon a landing, which went deep into a darkness on the left and a room on the right. 

It was dingy with one small arched window which had a mullioned window. The floor and the walls were lined with gray stones. Despite the thick smell of moss and dense flora on the outside, the room was clean and there was a small fur rolled in the corner. There were fresh logs in the fireplace. There was a chamber pot and a washbasin. "This is lovely!" Anastasia said. "Is there someone else living here?" she asked, looking around. 

Kaizan's lips tugged up. "No. I arranged all these the last time I came here." 

Ileus couldn't help giving her a pitiful glance. The fae princess found this small, murky room… lovely? His Adam's apple bobbed.