Yule (3)

Seeing Anastasia after a long time brought fury. She pulled at her chains, but they clanked and she only writhed in the air. Anastasia stepped up to Etaya's side. The look she gave to her made Etaya's stomach turn over but she didn't let it come to her face. 

"Though I never learnt the art of tormenting people in my age, you certainly had thousands of years training in it," said Anastasia. She tilted her head and glanced sideways at Etaya. "But I have to say one thing Aunt—I have learnt a lot from you. You have taught me various things." 

Etaya went pale with fear. "You filthy bitch! If hitting a shackled woman while she is tied makes you feel supreme, then you are nothing but a rutting disgrace to —" 

Darkness slammed into her, making her writhe and twist, forcing her to stop speaking. "Don't you dare to speak to my woman like that," Ileus hissed.