That's Your Window

Standing in the main room of the cave, Siora was pacing it from the door to the fire heart. How could her aim be so bad? She had intended for the magic spear to land right inside Kaizan's mansion, but it traveled only up to the back alley. She pounded her right fist in her left palm. 

Lounging on his chair, Aed Ruad was swirling the whiskey in his goblet. He was not happy particularly and he looked sullen. He watched her pacing up and down. "I asked you not to go, but you went. At this point all I can say is that I hope you have not led them to this hideout!" 

"No, I ran from there as fast as I could," she replied, shaking her head, still not able to believe that she misfired. 

"You are not going to get out of this cave unless I want it. Is that clear?" he said, glaring at her. 

She whipped her head to him. "What do you mean? You can't control me!"