[Bonus chapter] The Attack (2)

As soon as Anastasia saw the dagger hurling at her, she stopped it midair by thrusting her hands in front of her and seizing it with all the snow that she summoned. The snow rose like a mound and caught the dagger within a few seconds. Siora burst out laughing. 

"Now you know that no one can harm me, because the fae princess has vowed to save me," she snarled. The magic in her was throbbing in her temple. She wanted to release it more. She whipped her head to look around to find Iona. The dizzying hum of magic was still pushing her, twisting her on the inside. Her gaze rested on Rolfe who was now walking towards her, with his horns straightening. "This is going to be fun!" she hissed. "I will roast you, bastard. I will roast your wife and the baby in her womb. Now no one can stop me from grabbing my throne back. Once I kill you, I will stake my claim!"