The Last Line

The tingle Iona felt across her back turned into an itch. She stretched her hands to her back and started scratching. She wanted to rip her clothes and claw her skin. The itch was burning her skin. "Rolfe!" she breathed out. "I can't tolerate it! It burns." 

Perturbed as to what was happening to Iona, Rolfe tilted his head to her back to see. Her claws were out and she was slicing her dress. Bruises started appearing on the groove of her spine. "Oh god!" Rolfe rasped. He caught her hands to stop her from scratching. She growled at him. "Don't Iona!" he growled back. "There is something weird happening." He turned to see Adrianna, who was frowning at her daughter's reaction. "Her tattoos—they are disappearing!" he said with a slackened jaw. "They are fading." 

Adrianna's eyes widened. She went to sit behind her daughter. Ileus and Anastasia too joined them. Kaizan had shifted and along with Haldir, he came running to her.