Are You Serious?

Anastasia's eyes thinned. She jerked her head back and gave him that how-dare-you look, but Ileus maintained his mulish demeanor. "Both of you won't be leaving the palace's premises until the threat called Aed Ruad is nullified." 

"So, if the man is not caught for years to come, are we to stay inside?" Anastasia asked, obviously peeved at her husband's decision. "Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?" Her face was flushed as she glared and glared at him. 

"Ridiculous?" he retorted. "Hasn't Iona gone through enough that you want to expose her to danger? If it hadn't been for our spies, we wouldn't have detected Siora. Imagine the cataclysmic effect that would have occurred if she was not stopped in the right time. I don't want to take any risks now. Out of all the people out there, only Aed Ruad remains hidden. We don't know where he is." He exhaled heavily, as if exhaling his anger.