Under the Bed

Ileus pursed his lips and then got up from there with a loud harrumph. "I got food for you because I could hear both your stomach grumbling despite that raging lust in both of you." 

"And what do you mean by that? My lust doesn't make sounds." said Kaizan as he got up from Olivia and then perched himself right in between. Olivia immediately got out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom after grabbing one of Kaizan's tunics. 

Ileus scoffed and then waved his hand around the room. Tendrils of magic flew out of those long fingers and spread in the room. Every piece of furniture that was strewn was placed back in the same space as before. Every wood that was splintered, gleamed new just like before. Every fabric that was torn, looked as good as ever. "Not only did I hear you bringing the room down, I also heard you both moaning and groaning and when I entered, you were even groping." 

"Fuck you, man!" Kaizan grumbled. "Get lost!"