Dinner (3)

"All I am saying is that Olivia appeared like a thief," Fuchsia said, looking malevolently at Olivia who was still sitting in Kaizan's lap shamelessly. She truly had no shame and no respect for the elders. And now she appeared like a thorn in her eyes. "What was the necessity of stealing food like this in the dark? Bernice had worked very hard to prepare these dishes for you General Kaizan. She stayed all night and even fell asleep on the table while waiting for you to come and eat food, and yet this is what she is facing. This is not fair." She saw Kaizan's darkening aura, so she corrected herself. "She wanted to serve food to you and Olivia. At first, you didn't come in time and now you even threw her on the floor. What did she do to deserve such unruly treatment? Is this the family that Kaia has wedded her daughter in?" She played the victim card. "Is this part of the peace treaty from you?"