‘Sex’ Outing

"Kaizan!" She whimpered his name and it crazed him. Olivia clasped his hair and rolled her hips at the same time on his tongue and the werewolf lost his mind. His chest vibrated with a rumble. He buried his mouth on her core and when the rumble came out, it sent vibrations through her body. "Ahhh!"

When he pulled his face up, she saw his eyes flickering a blue. His beast wanted to come out like a wild animal. "Mine." He growled. "You are fucking all mine!" His lips were swollen and glistening with her juices. He looked terrifyingly beautiful and ferocious. 

"Yes, I am yours," she said, undulating her hips for his beast, inviting him to finish what he started. 

"Say my name, Olivia," he said in a guttural voice that seemed to belong to his beast.

She licked her lips seductively and said, "Kaizan." 

He growled and got his tongue inside her.