She's Pregnant

Kaizan's brows furrowed as he reread the letter. It was from Vaarin. He had written that he was glad that his daughter had found a mate in the General. He was a proud man and that now to accelerate for the things to settle, he wanted them to come to the Whiteclaw pack as he wished to give a feast to his fellowmen in honor of their wedding. 

"That's interesting," said Ileus, picking up a piece of blue cheese from the wooden tray in front. He popped it in his mouth. "You should postpone this visit." 

"Why?" Olivia said with her lips curled down. 

"Because your cousin sister and her mother were up to no good when they were here," he replied, now picking up grapes from the tray. 

"So what?" Olivia shrugged. "I am not going to meet them. Moreover, if they were bad, it doesn't mean I will not go and meet my parents." 

"I am not saying that you shouldn't go and meet them. I am saying you should postpone the visit. There's a difference."