An Unusual Feeling

When Luke asked Murtagh as to when he would join them, Murtagh wanted to say after you have won it for me. He chuckled on the inside. The two kids were so… foolish. They had stars in their eyes when they looked at Murtagh. He knew that Tasha was a selfish bitch and was driven only… mostly by her greed. There was a tiny part in her which had grown attached to Luke. But Luke—he only looked at him as if he was worshiping. And Murtagh needed such blind followers. 

"I will be coordinating all the leaders from here," replied Murtagh. "You know that each of them will send their messengers as soon as the attack is over. I am estimating that by tomorrow we will know about every rebel attack."

Muscles tightened in his body when Luke heard that Murtagh wouldn't join them.