To The Temple

Olivia was stunned when she heard Kaia'a words. She hadn't expected her mother to ask her to go and visit Ara. That was the last thing she had in mind. She had allowed herself to think that Kaia would ask her to take care of Ara and then maybe then adopt Luke's baby, but this— Olivia could see the pleading in her eyes mixed with anxiety and anticipation. There was no way she could stop her mother from seeing Ara. "But mother, she is not— she is not the right woman to talk to. I am afraid that she might end up insulting you." Olivia stepped down the last two stairs to close the distance between them. 

Kaia bit her lip and then held her daughter's hand. The two began to walk slowly towards the dining hall while the two men followed them. "Olivia, I don't expect anything other from a rebel like her. But I want to see her… I want to see the girl who is pregnant with my son's child."