
Anastasia sat on the tall bar stool with a tumbler in her hand along with Kaizan on her left. She grinned at her husband who was clearly offended. "Why are you so angry, my dear?" she said and sipped her wine. She loved when he became angry and especially when she teased him. The golden eyes would become like twin golden flames. 

Without looking at Kaizan, Ileus said, "Man, get out of here. This whole thing is going to become so intense that you won't like it!" 

Anastasia placed her hand on Kaizan's thigh and stopped him. "Stay here," she commanded him. Kaizan raised his eyebrow and Ileus went all ballistic when he saw his wife's hand on Kaizan's thigh. 

"Do you want me to toss him out?" Ileus growled at his wife. "Or maybe kill the fucker?"