Chapter 5 - Crafting Cecil

Hoshiro sat in the back of the caravan wagon with Merilion. They were silent through the ride, but Hoshiro was preoccupied with deep thoughts.

The hero wanted to craft a weapon of his own so that he would not be caught with his pants down during another ambush. Systematically, he went on to try to solve the problem. Yet he needed more information as to the extent of his abilities and so he tried something he never did.

On his notebook, he drew a lightbulb, but with rays of light coming off of it. He touched the drawing with his saliva and lo and behold, a shining lightbulb came into his possession. Not connected to a power source, the animation ability draws on the magical sources to lit the bulb.

Pleased that he was able to summon what he had intended, he set out to test his ability more.

“What is that?” Asked Merillion, concerning the lightbulb.

“That’s a lightbulb.”

“What’s a lightbulb?”

“It’s like a lantern. From my world, llightbulbs replaced the candle and lanterns ages ago.”

“I see. Was your loud weapon also from your world?”

“Yes, it was.”

Hoshiro held up the Beretta 92 handgun, then he thought it to disintegrate. As his thoughts were confirmed the Beretta faded into dust.

Hmmm, so my creations are continued by my intentions and dissolves on command huh?

Thought Hoshiro to himself.

He then also disintegrated the lightbulb.

The hero went back to working on a weapon of his choosing. Then came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea.

He started to draw on the page a plasma handgun, with the transforming ability to be a smartphone as well as a little robot. He drew the item in one thirds to make sure his intent was clear that it could transform into all three forms. Furthermore, he intended the gun to only work for his fingerprint, thus a personalized weapon as he imprinted his index fingerprint on top of the drawing.. He also included in his intent that the gun was to have infinite ammunition as he drew an infinity sign on the gun portion of the drawing.

As he finished his drawing, he touched it with some of his saliva and instantly, the handgun came to.

Hoshiro grabbed the handgun and tested it vigourously. He shot about a hundred times into the sky, the plasma rounds and found that the ammunition indeed was infinite.

“You’re name is now Cecil.” Declared Hoshiro to the handgun. He then continued. “Transform into a phone, please.”

Upon hearing the request ,Cecil turned himself into a smartphone.

Hoshiro opened up the google chrome app and found that magically it was connected to the internet and its battery, despite it being used as a plasma gun, stayed at 100% charge. He was amazed and couldn’t hold his excitement. He quickly tried to message Mamoru. The message was sent, but there was no reply. Perhaps the two worlds were not connected, but only some avenues were, such as the internet.

He searched up:

What to do if I find myself in another world. The search results came up with C.S. Lewis’ quotes.

He then searched up Sorhalon and found no entries of interest. He then continued.

“Alright, Cecil, turn into a robot.”

Soon as the command came out, the phone transformed into a robot and walked in Hoshiro’s lap.

“Amazing. I have never seen something so strange yet intriguing.” Said Merillion.

“This is not even possible with my own world. The magic in this place makes it possible, I bet.”

“Ok, Cecil, turn to your gun form.”

Cecil complied without complaint.

Hoshiro then handed the gun to Merillion and asked if she would shot a couple of rounds from the gun. However, since Cecil was bound to Hoshiro’s fingerprints, the Princess was unable to fire any shots from the gun.

Satisfied that the gun was his own paraphernalia, Hoshiro received back his gun.

“So tell me Princess, where are we headed to now?”

“To Caldawn, the capital of londawn.”

“Is it a big city?”

“It used to be thriving when I was a kid. But nowadays, people are barely getting by. Our economy tanked after the Demon King invaded. A lot of our land had already been captured. There are only some 5000 men as defenders of the city. The population of which is close to 22,000 people all told.”

At this, the Princess started to cry.

“I wish there was something I could do to make our country flourish again. It is my duty, but yet, our capital is growing more desolate as we speak…..”

“It’s alright, Princess. It’s gonna be alright.”

“I hope so. Hoshiro, you are our last hope.”

“I know…..’ Said Hoshiro, in a deep contemplative tone.

Then without further delay, then entered into the gates of Caldawn.