Chapter 27 - Reforms

The clone Hoshiro looked over the city of Caldawn. It was a beautiful city with the sun dawning in the East.

He looked at the market from where he stood and saw that orcs, trolls and humans all walked about. It was peaceful and the clone was glad that it was so.

It has been two months since he last saw the hero and his company. Two months of reforms and rebuilding.

There were about 600 guardians who surrendered when they took the city, and now they are all of them happily patrolling their assigned posts in the city.

The edict from the clone was that no one shall murder and that all disputes be settled in court. If there were any stealing or acts of depravity, they were to be presented in front of a fair judge who will then decide the case.

The city recovered from war well. The broken sections of the wall of the city were mended by the trolls who worked tirelessly. They helped repair any damage done to the citizen’s homes as well.