The clone Hoshiro decided that they had more than enough force to mount an attack on the fairy’s capital.
The clone Hoshiro took the clone Merillion with him and 20 of his best orcs to invade the fairy kingdom.
“20 orcs…… isn’t that too few to invade the city?” Asked the clone Merillion.
“20 is plenty enough. According to my research, their city is only about the size of 4 houses side by side. The fairies are tiny and does not need their kingdom to be spread so big. Tinderon as I know it, is fairly small.” Replied the clone Hoshiro.
“What should I do?” Asked the clone Merilion.
“I have brought you with me to do one task. Forewarn them of the attack and direct them to seek help.” Said the clone Hoshiro.
“Direct them to where?” Asked the clone Merillion.
“If possible, seek out Caldawn.” Said the clone Hoshiro.
“Aye. I will do that then.” Said the clone Merillion.