At mid day, the two armies of the Hoshiro’s met on the plains of Alfalas. All told there were some 70,000 units on the battlefield.
With a war horn, the clone Hoshiro army started their attack on the real Hoshiro army.
Tanks rolled onto the battle field, priming their batteries and shooting their deadly shells over the battlement. Helicopters flew above, firing missles and machine guns at the units below ground.
Vampires hunted werewolves and vice versa. Their attack speed was out of this world and their damage was gruel some to say the least.
Robot cybermen attacked robot cybermen. They shot lasers out of their fingers and mouths. Metal were melted and their clash heated the battle field with burnt lines on the ground.
An en mass of space marines with plasma rifles charged at an army of tactical soldiers. The plasma rifles fired unceasingly as were the bullets that were their reply. The two armies engaged one another and neither of them gave way to the other side.