Chapter 9: Snowdrops and Blood


Elizabeth scrapped some of the willow bark and placed it into her basket. She absolutely loved harvest days. Which was probably why she had them twice a week, though her flowers and herbs didn’t grow nearly that quickly. She liked checking in on them, too.

She plucked some chamomile and lavender, walking through the forest that she often considered her own private, rather large, garden. She kept plenty of herbs and flowers growing for their medicinal benefits. Not that she was a healer, not even close. But she thought she could start learning, even if she had no one to teach her. She could learn from her books, as she tested them on her own little cuts and bruises.

She always wore her white dress for harvest picking; she liked wearing the color of the snowdrops she gathered. Even if her dress stained every color afterwards, changing all the shades of the herbs and flowers she gathered.