Chapter 33 I can feel my heart crack...


No, that wasn't the sound of my heart cracking.

That was the sound of Shizu's egg.

It's been a day since I gave Mikoto her bracelet accessory and I was just lazing around as usual when suddenly, Shizu's egg that is sitting on a pillow on the table off to the side begins to crack.

Rimuru- 'Mikoto! Come back, quick!'

I immediately sent a [Thought Communication] to Mikoto who is currently wandering around outside and interacting with the goblins like a social human being.

I'll never understand that aspect of her.

"Don't talk to me unless it's urgent or I've drunk my coffee" is my saying. And I don't drink coffee.

I'm joking, it's not a saying of mine, it's more of a philosophy.

Anyway, Mikoto, after getting explained what's happening, rushes back to the house and bursts through the door. She can't use [Thought Communication], unfortunately, but I'm thinking of making stuff like Skill Orbs, crystal balls that contain skills that I can give to other people and stuff.

Is it possible? Ever since I've gotten [Creation] a lot more things became possible to me, so yes. Will I ever do it? I don't know. I'm versatile as it is, and Mikoto doesn't really care about expanding her kit and would rather train what she already has.


The egg cracks some more. Both Mikoto and I are waiting while holding our breaths (not that I can breathe anyway) as we stare at the egg. This is the moment of truth.


The eggshell finally gives way and crumbles, revealing the inside. Within the egg curled up in a ball is THE CUTEST FUCKING THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.

*Music blares*


I'm joking.

It's a kitten. The kitten is pitch black with patches of red on her paws and the edges of her ears. Furthermore, the ends of her tails are on fire. Yes, tails. Plural. As if in more than one. Specifically, she has two tails.

What's that? Shouldn't I be more surprised that her tails are on fire?

Pssh, if you keep worrying about such things, you won't live long you know?

The kitten that was laying in the egg in a curled up position flicks her ears, opens her eyes, blinks and looks at both Mikoto and Me. The kitten opens its mouth…


And meows at us with delight.

Immediately after, Mikoto picks her up and runs away to her room.

A day later.

The reincarnation turned into a big success. First off, Mikoto actually 'named' her.

She was messing around with the cat when she randomly said her name. Because, you know, the cat is just Shizu in a different body and with no memory, so it makes sense to call her by her old name, right? Well, Mikoto called her that and she officially became a named monster by the name of…


Who fucking knew…?

Anyway, Shizu is now officially named Shizu and since she's only in her infancy stage, regardless of how strong Shizu was as a human, right now she's only a newborn kitten, and naming her didn't take that many magicules out of Mikoto.

The crazy thing is Shizu gained Mikoto's [Limit Break] skill from the naming ceremony and she's currently growing at an explosive rate. Her magicule capacity is literally growing at the hour.

Another thing about her is Shizu's race. I was wondering what exactly race she was when [Raphael] swooped in and saved me from looking fucking stupid again. [Raphael] is working VERY hard.


Thank you [Raphael]! Where would I be without you…




*We are having difficulties, please stand by.*

Anyway, I repeated everything [Raphael] told me to Mikoto.

Mikoto- "Heeh, you know about Shizu's race?"

Rimuru- "Kukuku, don't underestimate me. I'm pretty smart, you know?"

Mikoto- "Hmm… I bet [Great Sage] just told you…"


She knows. Fucking run.

Well, technically, it wasn't [Great Sage] because it's now evolved into [Raphael], but…

I'm wrong, Mikoto is also wrong, but MORE IMPORTANTLY… Mikoto is wrong.

I'm not telling her that though.

But should I name [Raphael] and turn her into a Manas? I mean, I would have done that immediately, but… [Illya]… I'm conflicted. I'll leave it to the future me.

(A/N: I genuinely don't know what to do with this. I want to name Illya, but I don't know much about her and how she acts, so I dont think I can write her well. I COULD just name both, but 2 Manas in 1 body... well, let me know what you think please.)

Right now, I'm worrying over what I should do for Shizu. What should I feed her? How much should I feed her? What about her bedding? Does she need toys? Should I clean her or can she clean herself?

What's that? If I keep worrying about such things, I won't live long? Pfft, who said such a stupid thing.

But it's good though, Shizu is VERY smart. It's to be expected since she WAS a former human. I'm not sure at the moment if Shizu can talk or she just doesn't want to, but we'll see in the future.

(A/N: Should I make it possible for Shizu to talk? Or just keep it with meows. I'm leaning towards the former since I don't want to see Shizu as just a pet, but rather a companion.)

It also seems like Shizu doesn't really have any qualms about living again. She's thoroughly enjoying her second chance. It seems my theory was right and that taking away her memories of the world reignited her will to live.

I don't want to keep this up forever, though. I want her to remember her past life and come to terms with it. I want her to have no regrets. To do that, I need to sit her down for a talk with Leon, the Demon Lord who summoned her and the man who she despises-but-doesn't-hate.

Once they explain their thoughts and open up to each other, things will turn for the better. But I can't do that right now, so, forgive me Shizu, I'm keeping your memories for now.

Anyway, I'm talking with Rigurd about yet ANOTHER feast the village is holding when I get hit by a sudden thought.

I think it's time to meet with the Ogres.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, FUCKING SIMP

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel] [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Unique Skills: [Predator] [Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Control Water] [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Wind] [Control Flame] [Spatial Motion]

Tolerances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]


A/N: I finally caught up to Tensura Light Novel!

MC: Are you sure about that?

AN: What?

MC: Maybe they just happened to release another one that you didnt know about.

AN: Lemme check...

MC: ...

AN: ... Goddammit.

MC: I knew it.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!