Chapter 38 How to trick a tsundere waifu

A/N: Info dump in first half. Sorry! I just wanted to explain things to some people.


After I name the ogres and talk with them for a bit about their lodging and basic needs with Rigurd, I leave the room no worse for wear. Meanwhile, the ogres are still shocked and amazed that I named all of them at the same time without any backlash.

Mikoto follows me out with Shizu still in her arms but now asleep. Shizu's body is still that of a newborn after all, regardless of how fast she's growing.

Mikoto- "Hey, I've been thinking this before, but why is everyone all hung up on names?"

Rimuru- "Hmm?"

Mikoto- "I mean, monsters usually don't have names from what overheard, but they all think having names is something amazing. Then why don't they name themselves?"

Rimuru- "I didn't explain it to you? Hmm… Well, first off, as you said, monsters usually aren't born with names. However, getting named will give them a boost in power, so much so that it can even become a catalyst for evolution. You felt my magicules pour into the ogres with your [Magic Sense], right?"

Mikoto nods.

Rimuru- "Well, that happened because I named them. When someone strong names a weaker monster, it takes magicules from the namer and gives it to the named while engraving the name onto their soul. Furthermore, if the difference in power between one giving the name and the one receiving it is small, the former might even permanently lose magicules and become weakened. And sometimes death isn't uncommon. This becomes all the more likely when you name a large number of monsters at once."

Mikoto- "Then why weren't you weakened?"

Rimuru- "Hahaha! My dear Misaka, my magicule reserves are so large, even naming hundreds of ogres at once won't even make a dent in it."

I continued to explain why naming a monster is normally such a huge affair. I specifically used Shizu as an example.

Shizu's Hellcat race is a C rank monster, according to [Raphael]. Meaning, normally, she wouldn't have grown any stronger than C rank. However, after being named, she inherited Mikoto's [Limit Break] Unique Skill and can grow even beyond that.

Normally, of course, monsters would have to evolve to continue to grow stronger than their race limit, but naming monsters can induce that evolution, so it's pretty much the same.

Rimuru- "Well, when you named Shizu, she was just born and was also pretty weak, so you should be fine. Though that WAS a rather dumb move."

Mikoto- "Oh be quiet."

We finally arrive back at our house and I suddenly get the urge to eat some meat buns.

I mean, I always have this urge, but it's stronger now, so I listen to my heart and make a meat bun to nibble on.

Mikoto- "Can I have one?"

Rimuru- "Mmm."

I nod my agreement and make one for her too, and we just sit on the couch nibbling on meat buns, not saying anything.

Shizu- "Meow…"

Shizu wakes up and looks at us. Immediately, I knew what she wanted…

So, I made a meat bun and gave it to her as well.

Rimuru- "You know, it's a bit inconvenient, isn't it? Not knowing what you're thinking…"

Shizu- "Meow…"

Shizu just meows and goes back to nibbling on her meat bun with closed eyes. God, she's so cute.

Mikoto- "Yup…"

Mikoto voices her agreement and also goes back to nibbling on her meat bun with closed eyes. God, she's also cute…

Rimuru- "Then, I'll give you the [Thought Communication] skill. I'll give it Mikoto as well, while I'm at it…"


And so, I make a skill bun. Yes, it's a fucking meat bun that can bestow skills. I give it to Mikoto and Shizu, and now they have [Thought Communication].

Haha, fuck all of you protags that have to 'work' to get new skills. Just eat bun and ascend, ezpz.

Why did I do something like this? Well, what if Shizu wants a meat bun but I don't realise it? That would be absolute sacrilege. Therefore I made something that can break the balance of the workd as we know it. Fuck you Veldanava.

Benimaru and the other ogres evolved just a day after, during their sleep. One moment they were ogres, the next, they evolved and became Kijin. Man, this is so trippy…

Well, they all evolved exactly as I remember so there's that. Benimaru and Soei evolved into ikemen, Shuna evolved into a cute girl, Shion evolved into a babe, Hakurou evolved into one of those 'silver foxes' and Kurobe… He looks like your regular middle-aged man. What an oddball…

But, they all turned less 'wild' and became more appealing to my eyes as a former human. I mean, they weren't that bad as ogres, unlike how the goblins were, but now they look less like your mother and more like a Hollywood star… except Kurobe. I'm sorry man… Well, he just looks like your average uncle, he's not ugly by any means.

Anyways, Benimaru, as the head of this group of ogres here, came up to me and kneeled before me.

Benimaru- "Rimuru! I- No, We have a request!"

Rimuru- "Hmm? What's up?"

Do they want more lodging for the ogres that are arriving soon? I guess I could just MAKE more, I don't really want to bother Mildo since he's still working around the village.

Benimaru- "Please accept our oath of fealty!"

Rimuru- "Hmm? Aren't you already working for me?"

Benimaru- "No, we wish to serve you as your retainers!"

Oh, so they want to officially become my subordinates… Shouldn't this happen later? Well, I'm not going to complain. So I accept.

A couple of days later, the rest of the ogres are finally here. I've had a plan in mind ever since I had my talk with Mikoto about names and monsters.


As soon as they arrive I line up all of the ogres and immediately start the process of naming them.

EVERYONE was hysterical, naming so many ogres at once is idiotic. But I don't care, my magicules will never decrease. Furthermore, I've already come to terms with my idiocy.

I'm joking.

(A/N: He's not joking.)

Anyway, I name all the ogres and immediately rush back home.


RImuru- "Misaka!"

I burst through the door in my slime form and rush straight towards Mikoto.

Mikoto- "N-Nani?"

She seems wary of my actions as she takes a step away from me.

Rimuru- "I just named all the ogres and my magicules are almost gone."

That's a lie, my magicules are fine.

Mikoto- "Seriously? All at once? Are you ok?"

Rimuru- "Not really. So I would like to ask a favour from you."

Mikoto- "… Hmm…?"

Now her wariness has increased and she's looking at me suspiciously. Her intuition is sharp as always.

Rimuru- "Let me rest on your lap."

Mikoto- "Oh, if it's just that, then it's fine."

Moments later, Mikoto sits down on the couch and pats her lap.

Mikoto- "Here."


I jump high into the air, turning back into my human form and land straight onto the couch with my head square on Mikoto's laps.




Mikoto- "W-w-w-w-WHAAA!?"

Her face explodes into a blush.

Mikoto- "What are you doing!?"

Rimuru- "What do you mean "What"? I'm resting on your lap."

I reply to her with my eyes closed while smiling.

Mikoto- "I thought you were going to be in your slime form!"

I know.

Rimuru- "Hey, I never said anything about which form I was going to use."

Mikoto- "A-Anyway, please get off."

She continues to stutter and she tries to push my head off. But I become stubborn and refuse to move.

Rimuru- "What, you're going to go back on your words?"

Mikoto- "B-but-"

Rimuru- "*Sigh* I didn't know you were this type of person…"

I act like I just got betrayed and begin to get off her lap slowly.

Mikoto- "Guh… F-fine. Just this once!"


And that is how I tricked a tsundere waifu to give me a lap pillow. Best day of my life. The whole time her face was red but it calmed down after a while. In the end, she just played with my hair while staring at my sleeping face.

But… I can't sleep though, so I sensed everything. Hehehe… She's gonna kill me later.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel] [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Unique Skills: [Predator] [Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Wind] [Spatial Motion] [Dark Flame] [Control Particles]

Tolerances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]


A/N: There's a wee little bonus chap. Just a small one. Enjoy!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!