Chapter 57 Going home

10 days later.

A whole lot of shit had to be done. What kind of shit? I don't know, I just had other people deal with it.

Finally, procrastination once more…

Anyway, it's been 10 days and the orcs are splitting up and leaving for their new homes.

After leaving their old lands due to famine and following the Orc Lord, the orcs had a saying.

"Instead of leaving a better home for our children, why don't we leave our children for a better home?"

And with that thought in mind, they abandoned their kids and left. Of course, the children still ended up following and the older orcs still ended up having to deal with them.

My condolences.

This is a joke, by the way, it's just a funny theory I came up with.

(A/N: Little did he know…)

Anyway, my group is also getting ready to head back home since there's no need to stay here at the marshlands anymore.

And so, I meet up with the Lizardman Chief to say goodbye and give him a name.

I mean, why not give him a name? It makes him stronger, and he's my ally. Plus it won't hurt me in any which way. Plus, I most likely would never see him again, so… meh.

Rimuru- "Yo! How are you doing, Chief?"

Chief- "Quite well, thank's to you, Sir Rimuru. My brethren are in a joyous mood and the marshlands have finally returned to normal."

Rimuru- "I see, that's good. Well, I'm just here to say goodbye before heading back."

Chief- "You're leaving?"

RImuru- "Yeah. I've got my own place to go back to, after all…"

Chief- "I see. I thought you would stay for Gabil's trial in a few days and impart your punishment onto him…"

Gabil has been captured and detained in the lizardmen jail cells ever since the battle with the Orc Lord ended. He's been given 2 meals a day and no one is allowed to talk to him.

Gabil himself also knows what he did wrong, so he's not complaining and silently waiting for his punishment, which would generally lead to the death penalty.

I just smirk to myself and reply to the Lizardman Chief with an eye closed.

Rimuru- "He's your son as well as a lizardman. Both as a Father and as a Leader… I think it's your job to punish him, right?"

Letting Gabil's father deal with the punishment is basically saying I don't care what happens, he could get off scot-free for all I care.

Of course, I don't actually want Gabil to leave without punishment, but I just can't be fucked. If I leave it to Chief here, Gabil would simply get exiled.

The Chief's eyes widen before he closes them and smiles.

Chief- "Remember that we lizardmen are in your debt. Come to me if you ever need anything."

Rimuru- "Will do, Chief… actually, this is a good time to bring it up… don't you think 'Chief' is a bit boring?"

Chief- "Is it?"

Rimuru- "Yeah. Why don't you call yourself Abil from now on?"

I say while smiling. As I feel the magicules leaving me and entering the Lizardman Chief, now called Abil. I turn around while waving over my shoulder.

Rimuru- "See you around!"

As I leave, I feel Abil bow his head to me.

Now, I could've also taken Gabil with me right now, but I don't want to accept him just yet. I'll wait for him to come to me first. And then… hehehe… my foot is itching…

Anyway, I continue walking until I find myself back with my group containing Benimaru, Shuna, Soei, Shion, Hakurou, Ranga, the goblin riders and their wolves, Geld with 3000 or so orcs, and of course, Mikoto and Shizu.

Something weird is that Mikoto is constantly avoiding me. Whenever I look in her direction, she somehow gets fidgety and constantly looks for ways to keep away from me. Sometimes I catch her looking in my direction with a conflicted expression before she quickly snaps her head away.

I'm not dumb. At first, I was confused. Why is she acting like this? After that, I remember this is an anime world and I should use my weeb sense to see what is the most likely scenario if a girl acted like this.

And then things made more sense. Mikoto is either angry with me and is ignoring me, or…

She has chlamydia.

I'm joking.

But I hope it's the second option and I don't mean chlamydia.

I mean I hope she's in love. With me specifically. If it's not with me, then I hope she's not in love.

But looking at her actions, there's a good chance she somehow came to realise that she probably likes me and being the tsundere that she is, is constantly denying it.

Maybe she's not outright saying she doesn't love me and is simply avoiding the question, but as a consequence, she's also avoiding me.

Oh well, I can't rush this. If things don't progress past this after a while, I'll make a move, but until then, I'll act like a dense protagonist.

I mean, I don't WANT to do this, but if I embarrass her, that embarrassment might turn into anger, and that would just complicate things more…


Why did I have to fall in love with a tsundere?

As I think such things, I involuntarily let my eyes wander over in her direction and catch her sitting down on a rock nearby, playing with Shizu's paws on her lap with a joyful expression.

I involuntarily smirk to myself.

Well… it might not be so bad…

Rimuru- "Right, ready up! We're leaving!"

At my words, everyone focused up and got ready to move. They all look like they're going to have to walk back to our town… Ha, as if my lazy ass would bother to do such a thing.

Rimuru- "Then let's get moving."


[Spatial Motion]

I turn around, facing away from everyone, and snap my fingers while activating my skill. In front of me, the air ripples before a small circle appears in front of me.

Or rather than a circle, it's more fit to call it a portal.

(A/N: Imagine Marvel sling ring portals, but without the sparks.)

The 'circle' expands until it reaches a couple of hundred meters in diameter, half of it sinking into the ground making only the top half of the portal appear above ground.

On the other side is a familiar forest. This forest is a rather spacious place nearby our town.

I look over my shoulder to see many of the orcs, Geld included, looking up at the giant portal with a shocked expression.

I smirk and walk forward.

Rimuru- "Come on. We're going home!"


Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters

Ultimate Skills: [Illya, Heaven's Feel] [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom] [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Unique Skills: [Creation] [Rune Master]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Wind] [Spatial Motion] [Dark Flame] [Control Particles]

Tolerances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe


A/N: So I have something to tell you guys... I think I'm gonna drop. I'm just not feeling it right now...








This is a joke.

Im not dropping.

But there is a bonus chapter!


Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!

MC: Where's my appearance in the Author Note?

AN: Hush...