Chapter 79 Hand Chop


I swing Yamato down in an overhead strike meeting Milim's fist midair. Instead of slicing through her hand, it causes sparks as it clashes with it.

Yamato is incredibly sharp as it is, to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if it could cleanly cut through the neck of a high ranking dragon without resistance. However it doesn't even scratch Milim's fist… she really is The Destroyer, huh…

Milim and I have been fighting for around 5 minutes by now. I've slowly been increasing the level at which I was fighting, increasing my speed and power, making my attacks sharper, becoming more trickier, and things like this.

Milim, however, hasn't once discarded her smile, completely enjoying this.

I jump back, holding Yamato in front of me. I don't move, and Milim doesn't chase after me.

Milim- "What? Is that everything?"

Rimuru- "Hah! Nowhere close!"

I'm barely getting started.

I finally start letting my magicules flow through Yamato's blade. Yamato glows with a silver light, dispersing like mist as I move its blade through the air. Black cracks run through the air behind it before immediately mending.

Milim's eyes shine as she looks at Yamato, finally taking a more serious stance. She can't block Yamato like she used to anymore.

Milim- "That sword can even cut space, huh? You really are full of interesting things, Mr Slime!"

She takes the initiative this time, jumping forward herself, easily surpassing my previous speed.

Though I'm still sure I can still go faster than her. Heh.

I swing Yamato at the approaching Milim diagonally from the bottom. She leans towards the side, Yamato flying above her chest without obstruction and rears her fist back.

Rimuru- "Huh… I guess flat-chests really do help in combat…"

She doesn't block it this time. A good choice. I'm not sure if anything could block Yamato in this state.

Milim closes her eyes and smiles at me, but I think I see her lips twitching a bit and a vein pop on her temple. Her fist begins to glow in a pink light as she pumps her fist full of magicules.

It was at this moment that I knew… I fucked up.


I large fucking energy beam the size of my house obliterates the ground where I was standing and everything behind it. The Mirror Dimension shakes from the pressure of Milim's attack as I, who teleported away because my life depended on it, am shaking in a cold sweat.

Milim turns her head to look at me with that same smile on her face and the top half of her face is covered in a shadow.

Milim- "Did you say something?"

And so I do the only thing I could do in this situation. I furiously shake my head. Thankfully I don't have a snitching sibling in this life.


Meanwhile, outside of the Mirror Dimension, Mikoto whispers to Illya who is projecting a screen of the fight from Rimuru's perspective.

Mikoto- "Remind me to have a small talk with Rimuru when he gets out."

Mikoto's eyes were dangerously narrowed and a spark of electricity dances off her hair. Illya just closes her eyes.

Illya- 'I'm sorry, Onii-chan, but… I'm on Mikoto's side with this.'

A tear escapes her eye as she thinks about her lacking chest.


I sprint towards Milim before breaking left, running around her in a large radius. My speed increases and using [Control Natural Elements], I create a tornado around her, with Milim standing in the eye.

Milim just stands there, ready to react at a moment's notice.

Without warning, she ducks. A shadow flies over her crouching figure, a silver flash flying millimetres above her, to which she punches without hesitation.


Her fist penetrates the chest of the shadow… and it disappears.

Rimuru- "Wha- No hesitation!? What if that was my real body!?"

My voice echoes out from all around Milim, to which she knocks her hand on her head and sticks out her tongue.

Milim- "Tee hee~!"

*Sigh* Whatever…

[Enhanced Replication]!

Several more shadows from out from the wall of wind right towards Milim from many different angles. Each shadow looks exactly like me and is holding an imitation of Yamato. Obviously, the shadows are weaker than me, and I don't expect them to deal much damage to Milim in the first place.

However, my win condition is to make a solid hit against Milim. Just a single one. It doesn't even have to make a single mark on her skin and the fight would be over instantly.

Sure, I was able to make some hits against Milim before, but she was blocking them completely, therefore she nor I considered it viable.

Hundreds of shadows have come out but she was able to defend against them all… at the consequence of several large craters in the ground, but I digress.

Milim- "Is that everything, Mr Slime?"

I stop running and slide to a halt, creating a trail behind me as my feet dig into the ground. The wind from the tornado continues to blow for a small while longer before it disperses.

Rimuru- "No, I've got one more ace up my sleeve. However, should we change the bet a bit?"

Milim- "Hmm?"

Milim tilts her head.

Rimuru- "I will make one more attack, and if it bypasses your barrier, then I win. You can do whatever you can to block or dodge, but you can't move from that spot."

Milim- "Hmm…? Then I'll get a little serious, ok!?"

Her aura flares and a pink super Saiyan visual effect forms around her.

I just smile, like everything is under control… and then I immediately point to a completely random spot in the sky behind her, an expression of pure shock adorning my face.

Rimuru- "What's that!?"

Milim- "Nani!?"

She immediately turns in the direction I pointed, her seriousness and aura completely disappearing.

[Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation]!

A steaming meat bun pops into existence in my hand.

Now I just need to shove it into her mouth and- SIKE YOU THOUGHT!

I rear my hand holding the meat bun back… and I proceed to throw it directly at Milim.

Rimuru- "Surprise meat bun attack!"


Milim- "What's this?"

Milim's hand catches it on pure instinct and she turns back around to look at it, not even realising I threw it.

But that's enough.

*Teleports behind you*

Rimuru- "Nothing personal…"

And I chop my hand at the back of Milim's neck. Although I wanted to say "Nothing personal kid", but calling her a kid would be absolute foolishness. I don't want to choose death.

Her other hand raises up again to block my 'attack', probably a natural response after living for so long. But my hand simply phases through hers. It's a neat technique I like to call 'Kamui'.


I make contact and her eyes roll up and her body drops like a puppet with cut strings. Before she falls face-first into the dirt, I catch her in my arms and smile.

Rimuru- "I win!"

As expected, the hand chop to the neck is the ultimate technique to knock someone out in an anime world.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes] [Hand Chop]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Dominate Space] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: Please note that MC and Milim were barely serious in this fight.

MC: True. If I wanted an immediate win, I would just use Unlimited Meat Bun Works.

AN: I dont think that would work. I mean, wouldn't she just eat them all?

MC: ...

AN: ...

MC: Damn you're right!

Let me know if I missed anything!

Also consider dropping some power stones!