Chapter 82 Hbfuyqubfiuqahosnfcsan

It's been a couple of hours since Milim and I became official friends. She wanted to stay the night and I decided to give her a small welcome.

First things first, I gave her a necklace I made with [Creation Lord] and enhanced with [Rune Lord] that seals any aura she unconsciously emits. If she wants to consciously put pressure on someone with her aura, the necklace will deactivate and her aura will no longer be restrained.

After that, Shuna cooked her a lot of food, much to her delight, and she also took a dip in the hot spring along with the other girls.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to go in with them. Milim wanted to go with me, but… well…

Milim- "Eeh? Why can't I take a bath with my friend?"

Mikoto- "B-b-b-but he's a boy!"

Milim- "Don't be silly, slimes have no gender!"

Illya- "O-Onii-chan does!"

Milim, Mikoto and Illya argued about it for a whole hour, the latter two while stuttering with heavily flushed cheeks. Shuna, Shion, Treyni and Shizu just sat to the side, watching Milim fighting a losing battle.

They knew firsthand after all, that Mikoto will never relent on this topic. And now that she has backup in the form of a cute platinum-blonde haired loli… Well, I can say goodbye to paradise.

Milim- "I really don't see the problem with this though. Sure, Rimuru might see your naked body, but what's wrong with that?"

Mikoto- "S-s-s-seeing my n-n-naked…"

Illya- "E-eh!?"

Oh, they're wavering…

Milim- "He'll also see my naked body too, along with everyone else coming along with us…"

Mikoto/Illya- "Wai- NOOOOOO!"

They shouted as loud as they could as blood rushed their faces, making everything from above their neck beet red.

I sat in the corner drawing circles in the ground with my slime tentacle hand thingy.

So yeah, I didn't get to go in with them.

Next day.

I am now standing on a stage in the middle of a large open area designated to become a park area in Avalon. Many citizens are crowding around the stage, wondering what kind of speech I'm going to make.

Standing next to me is Milim, but many people don't register her as a fearsome Demon Lord or The Destroyer. I mean, they would know OF her, but they probably never saw her in person before.

Many holographic screens are playing a live stream of the stage throughout Avalon, so people don't miss the message I'm about to make. Runes are so versatile…

Thinking I've waited long enough, I walk forward and project my voice into the surroundings.

Rimuru- "Hey."

*Loud Cheering*

Everyone immediately breaks out into a loud cheer like I just solved world peace with my introduction. My expression doesn't change and stays in an impassive state, but internally I'm wondering what the fuck did I do that made these guys cheer for my words this much.

???- "Kyaa~! Rimuru-sama!"

???- "Rimuru-sama! Look this way!"

???- "My nem Jeff!"

???- "You're breathtaking!

Rimuru- "No you're breathtaking!"

*Cheering becomes louder*

Rimuru- "You're all breathtaking!"

I love this, I should do this more often.

A few minutes later, I manage to calm everyone down and continue talking.

Rimuru- "Right, so we have a special guest here in Avalon and I want to introduce her. Some of you guys have noticed this young lady standing here beside me, and she is the guest I'm talking about."

Milim steps forward with a smile as if she's used to this.

Milim- "I'm Milim Nava! I'll be living here from now on, I'll be in your care!"


Everyone cheers for her, glad that there's someone new living here.

Rimuru- "Oh and she's THE Demon Lord Milim Nava, just so you know."


*Even louder cheering*

Oh, it seems they don't see this as a bad thing. That's good.

???- "What's your relationship with each other!?"

A random citizen yells out from the crowd and somehow everyone quietens down at the same time to listen to this specific guy.

Anime logic is so fucking weird.

Rimuru- "Well, I'd say we're friends."

I casually answer and everyone cheers again. They really love cheering…

Milim- "Uhm… rather than friends… We're Best Friends!"

Milim shouts while raising her hands in the air.

The cheering gets louder.

Best friends, huh? A random promotion, but I'll take it.

I look at Milim cheering with the crowd a wide grin on her face and gleaming eyes.

My mind inadvertently wanders back to the conversation I had with the bois last night.


Girls being girls, they spent way longer in the hot spring than the males, probably because they care for their skin far more than us.

Anyway, the bois consisting my myself, Benimaru, Hakurou, Soei, Kaijin, Gabil and Rigurd (Vesta is busy researching and Kurobe is also busy) already finished dipping in the water and we're now relaxing outside with a bottle of cold milk.

I've always wanted to do this.

Hand on your hip with your head tilted back, drinking the whole glass bottle of milk at once.

Rimuru- "*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* Kaah!"

Benimaru- "Rimuru-sama, what are you doing?"

Rimuru- "Tradition."

Benimaru looks at the glass of milk in his hand… and copies my actions.

Benimaru- "*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp* Kauh!"

Soei- "Benimaru, what are you doing?"

Benimaru and I look at each other before we both look back at Soei.

Rimuru/Benimaru- "Tradition."

A while later, after everyone has had their milk the traditional way, we all sit back and relax.

Rigurd- "Now, onto a more serious topic… What should we do with Milim-sama?"

Rigurd opens up a conversation while making more beautiful Jojo poses.

Kaijin- "True, we can't just leave things be…"

Rimuru- "Hmm? About what?"

Benimaru- "You must remember that Milim-sama is a Demon Lord, and one of the oldest and strongest at that."

And then they all went on with a boring conversation that since Milim is a highly influential individual, proclaiming her as my friend will tip the power balance of the world and many people would not like that. Something about misunderstanding this as an alliance or something.

Of course, I, who is allergic to politics, didn't catch any of this.

Rimuru- "Ok hold up! Let me just say my piece."

They all stop voicing their concerns and turn towards me.

Rimuru- "Listen, a bunch of things happened and now Milim is my friend. I honestly don't care about anything else going on in the world. I never had any ulterior motive when I befriended her, I just thought she would be fun to hang around."

Sure, I planned that whole event to a degree, but I never had any other motive for it other than just hanging out with her. In fact, she's much smarter than she lets on, so she might've already sensed that I had this whole encounter planned.

Thank god I didn't have any ill will towards her or Avalon would probably be a war zone right now.

Rimuru- "It may seem like I was doing all this so Milim could protect Avalon, but come on! I'm strong enough for that, I don't need Milim to do my work for me!"

I mean, Milim would probably slack off anyways, so…

Rimuru- "To me, Milim is just a young girl looking for fun. If certain people don't like it, fuck 'em! Let them come at me, I'll beat them into the ground!"

Benimaru, Hakurou, Soei, Kaijin, Gabil and Rigurd look towards each other as if having a silent conversation, nod, and look back towards me with a warm appreciative smile.

Hakurou- "As expected, you never cared for other people's thoughts."

Gabil- "I admire you even more, Rimuru-sama!"

Rimuru- "I don't need your compliments, those are just my honest thought. So just leave Milim to me, I'll make sure she doesn't cause trouble."

Everyone- "No objections."

And thus the meeting was adjourned.

Unknown to Rimuru, however, a certain twin-tailed Demon Lord soaking in the women's hot spring smiles to herself.

(Flashbacc end)

I was brought out of my memory of last night with Milim looking at me with a wide cheeky grin. Seeing this a smile also spreads on my face.

And that is how Milim Nava, a person almost as dangerous as Mort from Madagascar with North Korea's nuclear bomb launch codes, came to live here in Avalon.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Multilayer Barrier] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Dominate Space] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: You forgot that Milim's senses are way off the chart and she can hear you.

MC: I-I-I knew that...

AN: Riiiiiiight...

MC: A-Anyway, what's up with the chapter title?

AN: Oh I just couldnt think of a title for this chapter.

MC: ...

AN: ...

MC: ...

AN: ... Ur mom gei

MC: *Dies*

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!