Chapter 87 Phobio is a dumbass

I'm fighting for my life right now.


Never before have I ever been in such mortal danger.


Right now… Hakurou is beating the shit out of me.

Rimuru- "I said I'm sorry!"

I scream out while running away from the kijin behind me.

Hakurou- "No no, there's no need for an apology, Rimuru-sama. I just thought some extra training would be good for you."

Yeah right! Then why are you trying to hit me so hard!? Where are the lessons!?


Wha- THAT NEARLY CUT MY NECK! I mean it's not like it's a vital spot for me, since I can just regenerate it and I'm a slime, but come on!

Rimuru- "I didn't mean to call you a Senile Old Man! Let me off please!"

Hakurou- "No, you are still in need of training."

Then at least let me use my fucking sword!

But alas, my cries went unheard.

Now, you may be wondering "Rimuru, why don't you just teleport away?" or "Why don't you just use your full strength to defeat Hakurou?" or "Rimuru stop breaking the damn 4th wall-"


Well, I can't just beat my teacher into the ground using my overwhelming strength. If I just used my pure techniques to defeat Hakurou, then it's fine, but it's more of a matter of pride.

Unless I'm facing an enemy, I will try to keep things fair and balanced.

As for why I don't just run away using my superior physical speed or teleporting, I can't run away forever. It's better to just beg for forgiveness now and hope he relents than run away only for Hakurou to beat me up later.

And once again, it's a pride thing. I don't want to JUST run away.


A large lightning strike falls from the sky and strikes the ground in the middle of the city. Said lightning strike wasn't all that powerful, but it was big so that it was easily noticeable.

Seeing how the barrier over Avalon didn't stop it must mean that it's not an outside attack. And Mikoto is the only electricity specialist I know, so it must be because of her…

What the fuck happened?

Right, what was I just talking about? Ah yes, I don't want to run away from Hakurou since it's also a pride thing.

Rimuru- "Well that looks important I'll be going to have a look goodbye Sensei!"

And so I teleport out of hell- I mean, the training field, leaving the horned devil holding his beat stick.

And to clarify my previous statement, I meant that I don't want to run away for no reason. Meaning, I at least need an excuse so it doesn't seem like I'm JUST running away.

I am running away… with purpose.

(A few minutes ago, Illya POV)

Right, according to Onii-chan's memories, Phobio will be arriving in Avalon after Milim. This wasn't certain since the timeline is slightly different from the anime Onii-chan saw before he died, however, there's a good chance that the events shown in the anime will occur in the same order.

As for if they will happen sooner or later than canon, that remains to be seen…

There is a good chance that Phobio will attack Rigurd which will cause Milim to grow angry on his behalf, which will cause some problems.

And so, knowing all of this, I had to prevent it from happening… Well, long story short, it still happened.


I rest my face in my palm while sighing. In front of me is Rigurd still recovering from the blow Phobio gave to his face.

Because Onii-chan named his subordinate monsters while pumping them full with magicules, all of the monsters named by him have grown far stronger than normal.

So even after taking a punch in the face from a high-level majin without any protection, he only has some scorch marks on his cheeks and maybe a broken bone or two.

I'm a little angry at them. I like Rigurd, he treats me like his granddaughter.

Illya- "Are you ok, Rigurd?"

Rigurd- "O-Oh, if it isn't Illyasviel-sama. Forgive me for this unsightly view."

I rush forward and kneel down next to him while giving him a full potion I took out from Onii-chan's [Belzebuth] storage space. While I can't use [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] in combat like several of Onii-chan's skills, I can use it as an item box of some kind.

Illya- "Stop talking nonsense. Here, a full potion."

Although scanning through [Universal Sense] quickly told me that Rigurd is fine, I'm still slightly worried. I think a small trace of that worry appeared on my face because he didn't say anything and quickly took it. Otherwise, he would argue that using such a thing on him is wasteful, and things like that.

I had several plans in place to prevent this from happening. I sensed Phobio and his group coming from dozens of kilometres away, but one thing happened after the other, and…

Seriously, how was I supposed to know that they would waltz right in through the front door!? Do they not know that you should at least let someone know of your arrival!? Were they expecting Onii-chan to just cater to their every will!?

Now that I'm thinking about it, they probably thought we were just pushovers. Their superior, Demon Lord Carrion shouldn't be aware of everyone's exact power levels through a crystal ball recording, so Phobio assumed we were just weaklings…

I didn't account for their level of stupidity… my predictions were based on the assumption that they had at least some form of intelligence, but I was off the mark.

Are they naturally this dumb or did they have to put in the effort? I mean, I had low expectations from Onii-chan's memories, but they even failed to achieve that-

Oops, my thoughts are going in a dangerous direction. Where was I… Oh, right.

In the end, I left them alone for just a few moments and would you look at that, Phobio and his group immediately met with Rigurd.

Rigurd, being the person who normally deals with situations like these, quickly realised that Phobio and his group are "important guests" (his words, not mine) so he walked up to them to inquire about their reasons for being here.

Phobio talked about "How this village is suitable to serve under Demon Lord Carrion" and stuff like that. Rigurd tried to make a joke out of it, seeing as their words could be taken as a declaration of war… but nope!

Phobio instead punched Rigurd in the face with a flaming fist. And that is when I appeared.

Things should be all fine and well at this point, but…

I look to my left. There, I see a scene you shouldn't be able to see every day.

Milim- "Let me go! I just wanna talk to him!"

Mikoto- "No way! You're definitely going to do more than just talk!"

Milim is flaring her aura in anger, raring to jump on Phobio while Mikoto is holding her back from behind.


I sigh once again.

Onii-chan, I'd better get plenty of headpats for dealing with this!


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: Im feeling lazy, should I just drop...?


Im joking, so you can put away that gun now.

MC: Good... *slides Glock back in pockets*

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!