Chapter 93 I feel like this chapter is a little rushed...

A few days later…

So yeah, the meeting went well. I honestly can't remember much from it though…

Fuck those people wanting to take over the world. Obviously, they are people who never had to deal with responsibility before. Try having to always deal with politics and shit.

Sure, I could always just rule through my power. I mean, I am pretty powerful, and I could probably just force most of the countries around the world into submission anyway.

But I won't, because if I do that, then there is a very good chance that a dollar store Akame ga Kill Night Raid group wanting to topple me would appear. And I can't be fucked dealing with that.

In any case, shit happened after the meeting. Fuze used his position as a Guild Master to get in contact with the other Guild Masters to spread the story that I made.

You know, the story that Yohm and his group beat down the Orc Lord and Avalon was just supporting them. Those who have a brain should think something is up, but they would have no proof.

In return for Fuze's help in this matter, I made a promise of my own. I (and by I, I mean someone else) would construct a road leading from Avalon to Blummund. Geld has been looking for more work since the road leading to Dwargon is finished and Avalon is nearing completion too. I will never understand that man and his love for work…

Furthermore, I would also give preferential treatment to any merchant who travels to Avalon as long as they are affiliated with the Guild.

This is also good for me too. It's like an investment, a step towards making Avalon the centre of trade of the whole world.

What kind of preferential treatment am I giving the merchants? Pfft, I have no fucking clue. That's Rigurd's job to figure out. Maybe give them discounts or exempt them from tariffs?

Rigurd- "A brilliant idea, Rimuru-sama!"

For some reason, he was really excited at the idea when I suggested it, looking at me like I'm some sort of sage.

I didn't know this until a few days later, but the idea of exempting merchants from tariffs to attract more of them to a country or a city is a revolutionary idea to this world.


In other news, Yohm accepted the contract. You know, the one where he and his group work for me.

Basically, he would go around saying he and his group were the ones that took down the Orc Lord. They would also happen to mention a mystical city of monsters called Avalon that gave them support in their darkest moments. With Avalon's support, they were able to make a final stand against the horde of orcs and finally slay the Orc Lord.

A little cliché, but bitches dig shit like that.

While going from place to place, he and his group would help as many people as he can, causing his fame to grow, and by proxy, Avalon's fame would grow as well.

There's a little problem here though…

Yohm- "*Spit* I fucked your mom last night."

Hakurou- "Ho ho ho… is that so…"

He is definitely not champion material.

So Hakurou stepped in and decided to train them. ALL of them. As they are now, they stand no chance against an Orc Lord.

Yohm- "*Screaming*"

May you rest in peace…

Well, getting trained is in the contract. Avalon supplying them the 'best' gear is also in the contract.

I use the word 'best' loosely because I'm not the one making them.

Anyway, Kurobe will be making the weapons and Garm would be making the armour. For those who forgot, Garm was one of the dwarf brothers I hired during my colourful trip to Dwargon. He specialises in armour.

Although they will be making stuff for the whole group, they will be prioritising Yohm. He's the leader and the face of the whole operation, after all. Showing off Avalon's craftmanship is good for attracting people.

Oh, and once humans start visiting Avalon, we can start enticing them to live here and we can finally get humans working too! I mean, so far it's just monsters here. It's not bad, but I miss human interaction…

Ok, so that was a fucking lie. But you get the idea.

We can get servers to serve people, shopkeepers to look after shops, guards to guard people, cooks to cook people- *Cough* no that's wrong. Ignore that.

But I'm not doing this for no reason. Sure, this all happened in canon, so I feel a little obliged to do the same. But it's not like it did it blindly.

Many things could go wrong. I could get betrayed, or my judgement could be wrong, among many things. This is an AU. I can't be certain that Fuze, Yohm, or even Kabal, Gido or Elen are the same as shown in the anime. There is a chance that they could be different.

Thankfully, so far, the only change in this world was a matter of time. Some things happened sooner than planned, and some things happened later, but the personalities of the people I met haven't changed from the original… so far.

Well, maybe Phobio was a bit more of a dumbass, or maybe the anime just couldn't encapsulate his sheer stupidity… who knows.

Regardless, I recently made a certain rune sequence. It's mostly done for fun. Basically, this rune sequence will scan a person and somehow tell me their alignment.

I scanned Yohm and it came up with Lawful Neutral. He seems trustworthy if this thing is accurate. Lawful people generally like to keep their promises… I think…

I wonder… what's my alignment?

A circle of runes appear above my hands, glowing from the magicules flowing with them. It pulses for a moment before it disappears and two words pop into my mind.

Chaotic Good.

So that's my alignment… huh. I thought I would be Neutral, but it seems I'm leaning more towards good huh… it must be the modern man in me.

This is interesting. I wonder what Mikoto would be… probably Lawful Good? Lawful Neutral, if you're pushing it. She's not the naive girl she used to be now.

Illya would be True Neutral, most likely. Regardless of how she acts, she can be quite calculating. She would sacrifice millions of people if I wished without batting an eye. It's a little flattering, to be honest…

Milim would probably be Chaotic… Neutral? Maybe Chaotic Evil? I wouldn't call her evil, though. Chaotic Good? I really can't get a grasp on her, but she's definitely Chaotic.

And, Shizu is just Chaotic Evil, no doubt about that.

I'm joking… I hope.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something horrendous.

A meat bun is dropped onto the floor.

Chaotic Good >>> Chaotic Evil.

WHO THE FUCK DARED TO DO SUCH A THIN- Oh it's just a poster with a meat bun printed on it.

Chaotic Evil >>> Chaotic Good.

Tee hee~.

Meanwhile, Illya is sending Rimuru judging stares from halfway across Avalon.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Particles] [Control Natural Elements]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, Harpe, [Raphael] Skill Orb


A/N: I feel like this chapter is way too rushed. It's jumping all over the place and the quality is a bit subpar...

MC: You're a shet author.

AN: After rereading this chap, I cant really argue.

MC: Rewrite it then.

AN: I cant. It's getting posted soon, so I cant rewrite it.

MC: ... And? The real reason?

AN: Cant be fucked.

MC: I knew it.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!