Chapter 104 Meeting everyone (2/2)

Next! Who do I meet now…


Goddamnit Shion.

No, wait! It's probably not Shion. She should still be in my office talking to Diablo about… me, probably?

???- "…aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"


A figure flies from the direction of the explosion, soaring over the buildings in a beautiful parabola before hitting the ground right next to me, cracking the paved floor.

The figure… is me. Or to be exact, Clone Rimuru. But, clone Rimuru should be in my office, with Diablo and… Shion…

Rimuru- "Goddamnit Shion."

I can see some smoke rising in the distance now. It makes me wonder what the hell happened over there…

A green blur rushes past me, heading right towards the explosion. Now, I would be a bit confused at what the hell that was, but I can instinctually tell that the figure is making beautiful Jojo poses as he runs, so that man can only be Rigurd.

I bend down and grab Clone Rimuru by its collar. By now he's finally regained his senses. Being me, it immediately realises my intentions.

Clone Rimuru- "… Fuck you."

I smirk at him.

Rimuru- "By a handsome devil like you? Any day."

I feel like these conversations with my clone are familiar… Must be my imagination.

(A/N: ATCHOO! *Sniff* Someone must be talking about me…)

I spin around a full 360 degrees and throw clone me into the distance in a discus throw. Clone Rimuru makes another beautiful parabola, completely streamlined. Its destination? The green posing blur.

Clone Rimuru- "OOF!"

Rigurd- "E-Eh? Rimuru-sama!?"

Rigurd flawlessly catches him and continues running in the direction of my office.

I dust my hands off and place them on my hips.

Rimuru- "All in a day's work."

Not that I work in the first place.

I continue wandering around Avalon until I reach my next destination. This area is one of the more undeveloped areas of Avalon. This place still has half-finished buildings and loud construction noises.

I continue walking until I find myself at the base of a half-finished skyscraper. The majority of the High Orcs and High Ogres working here are sitting down and eating, having their late lunch. Orc Jeff is with them too.

However, there are a few High Orcs still working hard, one of them being the man I'm looking for.

Geld, the Orc King that became the leader of the other orcs after the Orc Lord died, is working hard transporting many magisteel alloy beams to different areas. He's working as hard as the golems I supplied him, if not harder. This man is a workaholic.

Rimuru- "Geld!"

I shout out to the orc, causing him to stop in his tracks and look in my direction. His eyes widen as I wave my hand at him, causing him to carefully drop the items he is carrying and jog up to me.

Rimuru- "Have lunch."

Before he could say anything, I immediately make a simple lunch box with [Ahura Mazda] and hold it up.

Geld- "B-but-"

Rimuru- "Shush, I won't take an "I refuse" from you. Only I can do that. It's good to take a rest every now and again too."

Geld carefully takes the bento from my hand and looks down at it before looking back up at me.

Geld- "… As you wish, Rimuru-sama."

He walks over to the rest of the High Orcs and Ogres who are already eating and I follow. We end up talking idly about how his day goes and the progress of Avalon's construction.

This lasted for half an hour before Geld, the workaholic, couldn't stop fidgeting every half a minute, eager to work again.

Rimuru- "Then I'll head off. Remember to take a break now and then, even if it's only for 5 minutes!"

I wave over my shoulder as I walk away. Geld holds the empty lunch box I gave him and bows before turning around and going back to work. This time, with lighter steps.

I will never understand that man and his love for work.

I wryly smile to myself as I continue towards the next person I'm going to meet.

I soon find myself in front of the Sealed Cave. It's not actually Sealed, nor is it a Cave at this point. It used to be the cave I was born in and the cave Veldora was sealed in.

After that, it was transformed into a sort of farm for hipokute herbs and a home for Gabil and his dragonewts. They evolved from lizardmen, so the cave reminds them of the marshlands with the wetness, even if it's nearly pitch black. Luckily, they all have [Sense Heat] and a degraded [Magic Sense]., so they can get around just fine even without light.

Though that was before, now there are lights everywhere.

Vesta also has his laboratory here as well. He originally placed it here since it's so close to the growth site of the hipokute herbs, making it easier to research them and it's an easily guarded place.

Now, several months later, it looks nothing like a cave and looks more like an underground secret laboratory.

I casually walk through the entrance while thinking about how both Gabil and Vesta are doing. Although Veldora is gone, the magicules in the atmosphere are still at a decently high level, enough to grow hipokute herbs that only grow in magicule rich areas.

This is because the generators throughout Avalon absorb the ambient magicules in the air created by the mass gathering of monsters. A portion of those absorbed magicules then gets transferred into the Sealed Cave.

As I was thinking about the setup of the Sealed Cave, I walk around the corner into a large open area. In the middle of the large open area, I see Gabil standing in front of his men as they dance… to a hipokute flower…

All Dragonwets- "Three, and…

In the forest of Jura (Deep within)

The one we all admire (Looks so)

Strong! Revitalising! And beautiful!

Our brightly shining first star!

Ah, Sir Gabil, Sir Gabil

The dragonewts ray of hope!"

Gabil- "Stop!"

Gabil jumps in and begins to lecture the dancing Dragonewts.

Gabil- "You are all lacking in LOVE! How will you raise the hipokute herbs like this!?"

Meanwhile, Vesta is standing to the side, nodding his head.

Gabil- "Then, once again! From the top!"

(A/N: Search 'Tensura Gabiru Song' on youtube.)

Seeing all this happen, I turn around and leave… NOT!

Rimuru- "You guys!"

They all flinch and turn to face me as I look at them with a stern gaze. I inhale ominously before I shout at them.

Rimuru- "Your movements need to be more fluid! You! Your left foot needs to shift three centimetres to the right! And you! You need to bend down more at this part!"

And so I spent a couple of hours giving them all pointers. I even had Gabil and Vesta join them.

Gabil- "As expected of Rimuru-sama! He was able to improve our dance by so much!"

Vesta- "Indeed. Our lord's wisdom knows no bounds…"

I feel like their head went a bit wack from their 'scar', but I'm not complaining.


Next, I find myself in front of Avalon's blacksmith. The soft rhythmic clanging of metal hitting against metal is strangely alluring… if it was only a single set or strikes.


It sounds like a group of monkeys randomly hitting metal bars together.

Wryly smiling to myself, I open the doors to the blacksmith and step in. The sounds of hammers hitting metal increase several times over as the entire building are soundproofed with suitable material and runes. Now that I opened the door and am inside, the soft ringing turned deafening.

Of course, I don't care since I'm a slime. I spot the people I came to see and since they're busy with their own works, I don't say anything and walk up to them.

I watch them as they hammer the piece of magisteel in front of them into a beautiful sharp silver blade. Kaijin made a short sword while Kurobe made another katana.

Their current work is nothing serious, so they finished within an hour. Seeing them finish at the same time, I call out their names.

Rimuru- "Kurobe, Kaijin!"

I shout out the names of the two top blacksmiths, causing them to turn around and walk up to me while smiling.

Rimuru- "I thought I'd drop by and say hi."

I say while writing some sound-isolating runes around us so they could hear me better.

Kaijin- "Master, you don't need to worry about it!"

Kurobe- "Kaijin-dono is correct, we still see you occasionally, so it's no trouble."

Rimuru- "Still, this time I'm just here to say hi. I've already gone to meet with the others, so let me just do this."

Kurobe and Kaijin look towards each other before sighing with a defeated smile. This causes me to smile too.

Rimuru- "Hey, I've watched you work and I think I have some pointers…"

Although I've never held a hammer in my life, [Ahura Mazda] has a neat trick that can help.

You see, whenever I make something with [Ahura Mazda], I gain knowledge of how it was made. For example, if I made a laptop with that skill, I would know how to make a laptop without that skill as well.

And so, although I'm definitely not a blacksmith, after creating Harpe and Yamato, my theoretical knowledge is very vast.

And so, I sit down and talk about metal, alloys, hammer techniques and things like that. We also talked about our daily lives, but it was mostly about hitting metal.

I leave the blacksmith and look towards the sky. It is currently nighttime and the stars and moon are glowing brightly. I smile to myself, glad that I took the time to meet with all of my subordinates.

I walk through Avalon with a smile on my face, heading towards Treyni's bar to meet her as well as Illya, Mikoto and Milim.

Rimuru- "… I should do this more often…"


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: This chapter is longer than normal because I wanted to finish everything up in this chapter to get ready for the next event.

MC: What about Ranga?

AN: Isnt Ranga always hanging out in your shadow?

MC: Oh yeah true.

AN: I dont think I missed anyone, but let me know if I did.

ALSO Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up is gonna hit 1 billion views on YouTube soon!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!