Chapter 112 Another random foreshadowing

Ranga is running down the developing road leading towards the Kingdom of Blumund. Geld and his High Orcs and High Ogres did a good job, the road is smooth and the runes running along it are working as intended.

Positioned comfortably on Ranga's back is Illya, Mikoto, and yours truly, Dio.

Dio- "Wryyyyy…"

I'm standing on Ranga's back looking into the distance while Mikoto and Illya just look at me with dead eyes while sitting normally on Ranga's back.

Illya- "Onii-chan, it's uncomfortable seeing you look like a bisexual vampire with family issues, please change back."


Undoing my transformation through [Universal Shapeshift], I turn back into my normal human form. I sit down right where I'm standing, behind Illya and Mikoto right in the back. This way Illya is sitting at the front and Mikoto is sitting in between her and me.

I slide my arms under Mikoto's arms and wrap them around her waist. I feel her stiffen up slightly. She snaps her head around, glaring at me angrily with red cheeks to which I just playfully smile at her

Rimuru- "What?"

Mikoto- "Sexual harrasment."

Rimuru- "Is that so…"

Mikoto sighs at my thick face and turns her head back towards the front, not wanting to talk to me anymore lest I annoy her more. But even though she acts like this, she still unconsciously pushes her back up against my chest. It also helps that I'm only slightly taller than her, so this position is quite comfortable.

Rimuru- "So how long until we get to Blumund?"

I ask Illya who is nibbling on a meat bun sitting in front of Mikoto. She's practically a living GPS, she knows geography better than anyone. Finding the optimal path from point A to point B and estimating how long it will take to travel that distance is a cakewalk for her.

Illya doesn't even bother to answer me and instead, Ranga responds.

Ranga- 'Uhm, Master… we've only left Avalon 30 minutes ago…'




Fuck, I forgot that I hate travelling.

Before I died I never really liked leaving the house. I especially hated travelling by car. That's because you just sit there and I can't do shit but sleep or watch the scenery.

I don't like talking and I get carsick easily, so I can't play on my phone or read. Now that hate is reignited.

Well, I don't hate it as much as before. Yes, I could just teleport, but Ranga really enjoys running and I don't feel like taking this away from him.

Besides, I can do so much more now that I can't get motion sick and I've got the company of two cute girls, one being the ideal little sister and the other being my waifu.

Yeah, I can deal with this.

Rimuru- "Hey guys, wanna play Uno?"

I create an Uno card deck and hold it up. Illya and Mikoto turn around to look at the deck before looking at each other and shrugging.

And so we play Uno. As for how we can play Uno on the back of a wolf running at hundreds of kilometres an hour? Don't question it. It's anime logic.

While that was going on, I randomly think back to what happened just before I left Avalon.

Why? It's because it's probably an important plot point and you can't just skip over it.

Que the flashback.

Avalon is surrounded by a giant wall created to protect it from the titans- *Cough* Wrong script.

Avalon has a giant fucking wall surrounding it with runes created by yours truly inscribed across its surface.

The wall is over 50 meters high and as soon as the wall ends, the barrier covering Avalon begins, extending towards the sky and surrounding the city in a dome.

These walls are one of Avalons best defences against outside threats.

In the four cardinal directions are gates that serve as entrance and exit points, and it's the West Gate where everyone is gathered.

I swing my leg over Ranga's back while he's still in his smaller form. Once Illya and Mikoto copy me, Ranga increases his size until he's around 5 meters tall.



Benimaru- "COME BACK SOON!"



Everyone came to say goodbye (except the last one), all with varying degrees of sadness. Rigurd is just straight up crying and Shion is holding back her tears while wiping away the few that leak with a handkerchief. Shuna is among the calmest but even she has a worried expression.

Rimuru- "Guys! You don't need to cause such a fuss! I'll be back soon, just wait for me!"

Honestly, these guys are too emotional. I smile at them. Gee, I really hope nothing bad happens while I'm away.

It was at this moment I suddenly get a feeling like something is off. I pause my actions and begin looking around.

Rimuru- "… Hmm… Just my imagination…?"

Yeah, my imagination. Let's go!





No way I'm falling for that, there's definitely some bullshit going on here, but I don't know what or why.

In any case, it's not like I can just cancel the trip. I gotta go find Shizu's students.

So I do the next best thing.

[Ahura Mazda]

In my hand appearing in a flash of light is a DogeCoin. I flick it over to Benimaru to which he catches it.

Rimuru- "A precaution. If something happens while I'm gone, pour your magicules into the coin. It'll let me know and I'll come rushing back. It's imbued with my magicules, so I'll know regardless of any barrier."

Benimaru clutches the coin in his hand and bows his head.

Benimaru- "Rest assured, Rimuru-sama, I will only use it in our direst circumstances."

Rimuru- "No. You will use that coin the moment something you can't handle comes up. Even if you can handle it but it will cause too much destruction or one of you will die, notify me with that coin. This is an order."

I don't want to fuck up and have something happen while I'm gone and then come back to someone dead like in canon. Although I will take precautions to prevent those tragic events on my way to meet Shizu's students, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Benimaru's eyes widen before he smiles and kneels like a knight.

Benimaru- "Understood, Rimuru-sama!"

My sober face relaxes and I return Benimaru's smile. I pat Ranga's back, signalling him to leave. As he turns around, I wave my hand back to my subordinates.

Rimuru- "I'll be going then!"

Flashback end.

Illya- "Draw 4."

I look at Illya with a betrayed expression. I can't believe she just dropped a +4 on me.

Thankfully I have an ace up my sleeve.

I place down a black card that looks like a +4 card, but something else is written on it.

Mikoto- "What's this card? 'Give Rimuru a lap pillow or draw 25'?"

Mikoto looks at me with an accusing expression.

Mikoto- "You made this card with your skill, didn't you?"

Rimuru- "Hey, watch where you go accusing people like that, that's slander."

I say while pointing at her.

Mikoto- "… Just draw 4 already."

Rimuru- "Hey Ranga, how long until Blumund?"

I turn to Ranga and ask him a question.

Mikoto- "Don't try to change the topic!"

Ranga- 'Master… it's only been 40 minutes since we left Avalon.'





I ended up drawing 4 anyways.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: I didnt have Shizu come along with MC because she'd kind of just be sitting there. Besides, MC can just summon her when he gets to Ingrassia to show her to the students if he needs to (which will happen), so no biggie.

MC: Yeah, besides I dont want to have to deal with her demonic summoning rituals through the entire trip.

AN: What if she summons The Bun though?

MC: *Gulp* It can't be... THE Bun?

AN: Yes.


Shizu: *In the distance* Nooooooo!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!