Chapter 122 Ramiris

Rimuru- "Phew, that was refreshing!"

I say as I wipe my arm across my forehead with a relieved expression on my face.

Rimuru- "Now then…"

I then look over at a certain point in the air.

Rimuru- "*In a Morgan Freeman voice* I can smell you…"

I can feel judging eyes on me.

Rimuru- "*Cough* It's a joke. Come out."

I say as I hold out my hand, forming a concentrated ball of magicules. Because I didn't say the magic word (Kamehameha), it's not rainbow coloured, but it's pretty powerful.

Ramiris- 'Hiii! Right, right, right, right, right, right!'

A yellow ball of light flashes into existence directly where I was looking and flies frantically around in a panicked fashion before stopping directly in front of my face.

No, I didn't smell her. I don't even think she has a sense of smell since she's a spiritual being. But I did sense her through [Universal Perception].

Now that it's closer, I can clearly see the figure that was obscured by her own light.

It's a fairy, that much is obvious.

She has long blonde hair tied into pigtails that reach her waist with eyes of the same colour. She wears a simple but elegant formal black dress that has golden markings etched into its fabric, making it seem expensive. Her ears are pointed like an elf's and she has four transparent fairy wings attached to her back.

The figure salutes while standing straight in the air as tears threaten to spill from her eyes.

Ramiris- "As humiliating as it is, I have come in response to your call!"

She is Ramiris of the Labyrinth, a Demon Lord who is technically as old as Guy Crimson and Milim Nava.

Seeing that everything is over, Illya, Mikoto and Ranga stop chasing the other fairies around and walk up to us.

Ranga- 'A fairy?'

Mikoto- "Cute…"

Yeah, she really is cute. She's also really small, barely 25 centimetres in height, less than the length of a general ruler.

Rimuru- "So? Who are you?"

Although I already know this, I don't think it would give Ramiris any peace of mind if I came off as a guy that knew everything beforehand. I can simply act like a guy that only heard about her, now knowing what she actually looks like.

Ramiris- "*Ahem!* I am one of th-*bites tongue* ugh!"

Mikoto- "She bit her tounge…"

Illya- "Well, she probably only communicates through [Telepathy] like she was doing with us, so her mouth probably can't keep up."

Yeah, that was the reason given in the anime.

I can just imagine someone asking "hey gurl what dat mouth do" and Ramiris then just proceeds to bite her own tongue.

I smirk to myself as that thought passes through my head.

I don't remember her EVER biting her tongue again after this, so it was probably just an accident. An unfortunate one…

After the pain passes, Ramiris straightens up proudly once again as she puffs her chest out haughtily.

Ramiris- "I am one of the Ten Great Demon Lords, Fairy Ramiris of the Labyrinth!"

Ranga just looks at her with a disbelieving expression while Mikoto just straight up expresses her doubts.

Mikoto- "Haah? A Demon Lord? You?"

Mikoto tilts her head in confusion. Ramiris, completely ignoring their expressions, continues with her speech as she places her hands on her hips and closes her eyes.

Ramiris- "Know your place! You should be groveli-*Spark* Aak!"

A spark of electricity flies from Mikoto's finger, hitting Ramiris' butt.

Ramiris- "What was that!?"

Ramiris looks indignantly at Mikoto while rubbing her behind, flying directly in front of her face.

Mikoto- "Electricity?"

Mikoto says with an innocent face.

Ramiris- "Not that! Why did you interrupt me!?"

Mikoto- "Well I just don't see how you could become a Demon Lord. I mean, if you're going to lie, at least make it believable. There's no way someone like you could become one."

Mikoto says with a disinterested expression.

This conversation sounds familiar to me…

Ramiris- "You are so rude!"

Ramiris says while zooming all over the place in frustration. Must be convenient to fly around like that… Hang on, if I eat her, couldn't I do something like that?

Feeling a chill run down her spine, Ramiris stops her tantrum and hovers until she's level with our faces.

Ramiris- "*Ahem!* In any case, I am a Demon Lord! What else could I be if I'm not one!?"

Rimuru- "…"

Illya- "…"

Ranga- '…'

Mikoto- "…"

Ramiris- "… W-what? Why are you all looking at me with those pitying eyes?"

Mikoto- "*Sigh* In any case, I have a friend named Milim Nava who is also a Demon Lord, there's no way you could measure up to her."

Raimiris- "Hnng! Baka! Baka, baka, baka, baka, baka, baka, BAKA!"

Ramiris bites her lip while throwing her fists around before quickly running out of breath.

I swear, this scene looks REALLY familiar to me somehow…

She takes deep breaths as she places her hands on her knees before she continues to explain.

Ramiris- "Listen… Milim is one of the most absurd Demon Lord! Her strength is off the charts, even compared to the other Demon Lords! She thinks she can just solve everything with strength… It's rude to compare my dainty and lovely self to that embodiment of absurdity! You need to understand that or we'll have big problems! Big problems! B-I-G problems!"

Mikoto- "Right right, I got it."

Hmm… I KNOW I saw this scene somewhere… Where was it…?

Ramiris then snaps her head in my direction.

Aww, shiet.

Ramiris- "And what's up with you!? How could you use a reckless move like that?"

Reckless move? Ah, my Kamehameha.

Ramiris- "Well, at least you seem to have the same tendencies for overdoing things. Maybe you really are friends…?"

I lift my hand to defend myself…

Only to realise that I don't have anything to defend myself with.

Rimuru- "… Fair point."

Ramiris- "When did you two meet?"

Rimuru- "Hmm, I'm not sure, it was kind of a rush of events and I haven't really been keeping track of time, but it wasn't THAT long ago…"

(A/N: It's my excuse because I have NO grasp of the timeline in my fanfic lmao.)

Ramiris- "Mmmm…"

Ramiris looks at all of our faces with scrutinising eyes before something clicked in her head.

Ramiris- "Not that long ago… Ah? Are you people from that city that popped up in the Great Jura Forest? What was it called again… Avalon?"

Mikoto- "Hmm? You know about us?"

Ramiris- "Of course! Milim showed up here for the first time in AGES, and she just kept going on and on about the new best friends that she made…"

Mikoto's eyes widen in shock as she realises something. Probably thinking that if Milim actually came here, Ramiris actually might be an-honest-to-god Demon Lord.

Mikoto snaps her head in Illya's direction, the latter nodding her head confirming the former's thoughts.

Mikoto then looks at Ramiris with disbelieving eyes.

Ramiris- "… Oi. What's with that doubtful look. I really am a Demon Lord! You'd better believe it!"

Meanwhile, something clicks in my own head.

Rimuru- "… OH! Now I remember!"

This whole conversation happened in the anime! Mikoto just took OG Rimuru's place! I knew this whole scenario was familiar!

A wide smile spreads on my face as I realise what has been plaguing me these past few minutes as Ramiris and Mikoto look at me, wondering what I remembered and perhaps doubting my sanity.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Resist Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: You are cringe.

MC: Hey fuck you, you wrote me this way.

AN: Fair point. BUT it was still you who said all those things like "I can smell you" and screaming "I remember" for no reason.

MC: ...

AN: ...

MC: *takes out Magic Gun from storage and shoots it at author*

-----To be continued...--->

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!