Chapter 134 Abomination of runes

The Royal Capital of Ingrassia. It's quite an enchanting city. Many things you can find here are quite novel and new. The buildings, the products, even the people. They're all different compared to the rest of the world.

This is the general thought process of this world's residents.

In reality, this place looks just like any modern city you would find on Earth.

It's quite a normal sight to most of the Otherworlders. Of course, many of them would still choose to stay here due to the nostalgia this place brings.

It's totally different from the perfect mixture of modern and fantasy that Avalon embodies. [Raphael] really did a good job designing those buildings.

May you rest in peace…

(A/N: Hi I bring a message from [Raphael]. She said "Fuck you, suck my dick, you useless master".)

In any case, my companions and I are walking down a very large street towards the Free Guild HQ we can see in the distance.

It's quite a large building and easily noticeable due to being entirely covered with glass panes which are unique in this world since glasswork hasn't advanced enough to make giant panes of glass like that.

Not easily, at least.

And definitely not for cheap. Not only that, glass is quite fragile, so…

Whoever decided to make the Free Guild HQ of all buildings like that is a fucking idiot.

Moving on…

Rimuru- "Hey, I'm gonna go talk with Yuuki Kagurazaka. It's gonna take a while, why don't you all look around the city in the meantime?"

I know Mikoto doesn't like sitting through important meetings. Hell, I don't like sitting through them either. By proxy, neither does Illya.

But someone has to and I would rather not put those two girls through this.

Mikoto- "Are you sure? Isn't Yuuki… you know…"

Off his rocks?

Rimuru- "Yes. But what can I do, I need to become a teacher to meet with Shizue's students and I can't just kidnap them and run back to Avalon with them… No, hold on…"

Mikoto- "Don't kidnap them!"

Well, there goes that plan.

I raise my hand and drop it on Mikoto's head while flashing a confident smile.

Rimuru- "Don't worry, you of all people should know that even if a dragon were to attack, I can handle myself just fine. Regardless of how I made him out to be, Yuuki isn't that strong."

… At this point in time, at least.

As of right now, if my memories are correct, Yuuki shouldn't even be aware of what an Ultimate Skill is, let alone have one or know how to counteract one.

(A/N: I'm using the Light Novel as a reference here.)

So unless I just stand there and take down all my defences, Yuuki has no hope of winning against me. His Anti-Skill might be a problem, but nothing I can't handle…

Although he will grow stronger at an insane pace and will eventually become a threat… That will only happen if I let him…

Rimuru- "Besides, I have something planned for him."

I say with a smug smile.

Mikoto stares into my golden eyes while I stare back into her tea-coloured eyes, my hand still slowly stroking her soft hair.

Mikoto- "*Sigh* If you say so…"

After hearing my confidence, she gives up on following me and steps back.

As for Illya…

Illya- "Onii-chan! There are candied apples!"

Illya jumps up and down as she points to a stall selling candy apples with an excited smile on her face.

She was never once worried about me.

It's because she has that much confidence in me… right?



Rimuru- "Ranga, follow them."

Ranga- 'Understood!'

My shadow ripples a bit before it stills and Mikoto's shadow, which my shadow is touching, ripples. Ranga moved from my shadow to Mikoto's.

Mikoto just looks at her shadow before looking up at me with a wry smile.

Mikoto- "You know that I also don't need protection."

Rimuru- "Oh no, this isn't for you. He's there to stop you from killing anyone."

Mikoto- "Haah!? I won't kill anyone!"

Rimuru- "That guy from the gate?"

Mikoto- "I wouldn't have killed him! … I would shock him… just a little…"

Yeah, shock him into a fucking coma, why don't you…

I stare at Mikoto with a (>_>) expression.

Rimuru- "Right… Well, I'm going now."

I turn around and walk into the Free Guild HQ. Mikoto waves at me before she joins Illya and heads to the candy apple stand.

The doors (which are made of glass) slide open automatically as I casually walk in. I would assume that normally people would be awed at such a sight, but… meh. When you can tunnel through fucking space, normal doors all seem a bit lacklustre.

Inside, it's very clean and well designed. There aren't many people here and it's just this big room with a long reception desk at the end. No quest board or anything.

Well, this is HQ after all. Only B-Rank adventurers and above are allowed through those doors.

How did I know? It's because I saw the runes hidden on the door that only open when a certain rune pattern is sensed. That said pattern is on my B-Rank adventurer ID card. I can sense the same rune pattern on every other ID card in this building.

I guess that's why they have two guilds here in Ingrassia's Royal Capital, one of them is a normal guild and the other one is HQ.

I walk up to one of the receptionists. Thankfully, it's a beautiful receptionist Onee-san.

???- "Hello, how may I help you?"

She says with a practised smile.

Rimuru- "I would like to meet with Grandmaster Yuuki Kagurazaka, please."

???- "Do you have an appointment?"

Rimuru- "No, but I do have a letter for him with me."

I take out the letter of introduction Fuze gave me back in Blumund's Guild. I hand it over to the receptionist. She takes it with both hands and looks at it curiously as she walks through a door behind the counter, probably to contact Yuuki about this.

She later comes out again with the letter in hand, showing that exact same smile and handing the letter over to me.

???- "We have verified the letter to be authentic. The Grandmaster has agreed to meet you, please follow me."

She leads me over to the side of the room where you can see what I assume to be some kind of magical elevator.

I walk in with the receptionist and the whole thing explodes-

Wait no it didn't.

The ground lights up and more runes reveal themselves.

And THEN the whole thing explodes-

No, it didn't.

A quick glance at the runes let me know that this isn't actually a proper elevator, but more like a teleportation room. What these runes do is teleport the occupants into another place.

It only works vertically though, since they kind of fucked it by placing a shit ton of stabilisation runes to make it so whenever someone uses it, they don't puke.

An absolute abomination, if I had anything to say about it. Completely inefficient and I suspect they were only able to discover this sequence of runes that don't explode on use with pure luck.

These runes make me want to commit a hate crime. I don't want to look at such a sight anymore…

In any case, we teleport and I find myself on one of the top floors of the building.

The receptionist walks out of the 'elevator' and I follow. They lead me to what seems to be some kind of waiting room.

???- "The Grandmaster will meet you here shortly. Have a nice day."

The receptionist bows and walks back where we came from and I just wait for my guest.

*Insert 12 minutes later Spongebob meme*

I am standing with my arms behind my back, staring intensely at the wall.

It's a marvellous wall.

It's so… wall-like. Beautiful.


Yuuki- "Hello there!"

Rimuru- "General Kenobi!"

I turn around and say.

Yuuki- "…"

Rimuru- "…"

Yuuki- "… What?"

What a fucking heathen.

Rimuru- "Fuck this."


I snap my fingers and a rune reveals itself above Yuuki. I placed it there beforehand. It's kind of easy to set a trap like this when there are only two entrances, one of them being the elevator I came through.

The rune falls down on Yuuki's head.

His bright eyes dull. I walk forward and place my hand on his chest.

Like a puppet without strings, his body slumps onto the floor.



Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: Rimuru prepares to commit a hate crime...

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!