Chapter 146 Spirit Dwelling

We're here! The Spirit Dwelling!

It's the place where spirits… dwell.

Fucking genius, I know.

In any case, this is the place where the kids will call some spirits and then I'll just fuse it with them to save their lives. Easy peasy.

We got here after we all had a good chat with Ramiris. For Mikoto, Illya and I, it was a "catch up" kind of talk where we just summed up what happened while we were gone. The students on the other hand took this chance to get closer to Ramiris. I mean, they've never seen a fairy before, they are very curious.

Ramiris also hopped off her throne and just started hovering all over the place. She's not used to sitting in just one spot for too long.

We finished talking and she brought us here to the Spirit Dwelling. As I thought it's in an entirely different space, kind of like my Mirror Dimension.

Ramiris- "Ta-da! What do you think?"

Ramiris proudly puffs her chest out, trying to get some praise out of us.

The kids are easily impressed.

Kenya- "Woah!"

Ryota- "So cool…!"

Alice- "It's so big!"

Chloe- "And there's so much energy here!"

Gale- "Look at the ground!"

As they all pointed out, this place was indeed quite amazing. It's a large underground "room", although it's more like a cave or a cavern. I say "room" because this place looks like it's made artificially.

It's a large dome open space with the walls made out of smooth stone that looks like it's been there for centuries. Now that I think about it, this place was probably made with earth spirits.

In the centre is a large spire of an unidentified material. It looks to be a mix of crystal and metal, most likely magisteel. It looks very valuable and I'm nearly certain a small fraction of this unknown metal would go for several hundred gold coins in an auction.

Not to mention that this natural formation is over a hundred fucking meters tall. You can also use that to understand just how large the room itself is.

And finally, winding around the crystal metal formation is a wide pathway made of light. It looks quite thin such that it could "shatter" easily, but it's quite sturdy. It leads to a platform of light at the top of the crystal metal formation at the centre.

And we are all currently standing at the edge of that platform just where the pathway ends.

Oh and Ranga is back.

Ranga- "*Happy panting sounds*"

This place is also decently-lit up because of that fucking giant light source on the ceiling. Imagine diving underwater and looking up towards the sky through the rippling surface in a pool or in the ocean. It's like that.

(A/N: I don't know how tf people can see underwater in the ocean without goggles. Only tried doing it in a pool, but is it possible in the ocean?)

Honestly, this whole place is pretty cool, but I'm scared of what Ramiris would turn into if I were to compliment her now and inflate her ego to unimaginable heights.


Rimuru- "Yeah it's pretty good. Not the best, but it's good."

In all honesty, the view from the hill on which Shizue's memorial is placed has a much better view over the modern fantasy city of Avalon. Looking at that view while surrounded by wisteria trees has a unique charm this place doesn't have.

Ramiris- "Muu…"

Ramiris pouting is something I didn't know I needed until now…

I suddenly gain a thought and I look left and right, searching for a certain someone.

Rimuru- "Hey, Ramiris… where's Jarvis?"

I haven't seen him. I wonder where he is…

Ramiris- "Oh, him? He's… busy."

Meanwhile back in the throne room, the red and golden throne sitting imposingly begins to shift. It gradually transforms back into our familiar Iron Man inhabited by a demon.

Jarvis- "I am never turning into any kind of chair ever again… ow, my back…"

Jarvis lays on the ground while rubbing his back that somehow got sore from the transformation.

Anime logic, don't question it.

Back in the Spirit Dwelling…

Rimuru- "Right, let's get some spirits!"

Students- "Ooh!"

I raise my hand and cheer and the students' copy. Illya bobs up and down, excited to see how this all comes about while Mikoto is more restrained, but you can see the curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

I don blame them, even I'm very hyped to see how this all plays out. Will everything happen the same as in canon, or will something change? Who knows…

Ramiris- "Right, listen up! One by one, you will walk to the centre of the platform and call the spirits from there."

Ramiris says while pointing to the centre.

Chloe- "What do we say?"

Ramiris- "Anything is fine. "Help me!" or "Let's play!" can work. Hell, you can even insult them, you just have to get their attention. Well, if you insult them, there won't be many that would appear…"

Why do I feel like you're speaking from experience there…

Ryota- "Will they even come…"

Ryota depressingly says. Kenya steps up to him and lightly slaps him in the back.

Kenya- "I'm sure they will!"

Ryota- "… Yeah…!"

Ryota answers with a smile.

Alice- "Sensei, they will come, right?"

Alice asks me for confirmation.

Rimuru- "Yeah, don't worry. You kids are amazing, so you'll definitely call lots of spirits! What we need is a Greater Spirit though, not some more common lower-ranking spirits. That's the hard part… Well, even if you only call the Lowest Spirits, I have a backup plan, don't worry!"

I respond with a confidant smile. These kids are otherworlders, there's no way they can't call any spirits. In the anime, hundreds of lower-ranked spirits appeared for each of them individually, so I'm not worried at all.

Worst comes to worst, I'll just do it myself.

Speaking of which… should I get my own spirit?




Nah. I don't need one and I don't think there's a spirit out there that could prove beneficial to me unless they are one of the Divine Spirits themselves. Even so, I'm an Origin Slime, I'm a Highest Tier Spirit myself. If anything, I'm the one who should go around making contracts.

Wait, that sounds like a good idea…

Too bad I can't be fucked.


Rimuru- "Hey, Mikoto, Illya… Do you want a spirit too? I mean, since we're here, you might as well…"

Mikoto blinks her eyes with surprise, completely not expecting my question. Illya barely thinks for a second before answering.

Illya- "Yes!"

She shouts while raising her hand. I smile and pat her head.

Mikoto- "Do I need one?"

Rimuru- "Well, it's not like you NEED one, but it would be nice to have."

Mikoto thinks about it while placing a finger on her lip. Ramiris and the kids are curious about her answer. Illya seemingly already knows what she will choose though.

Mikoto nods her head.

Mikoto- "Yeah. I think I'll try to call a spirit."


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Rimuru-sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack]

Equipment: Yamato, [Raphael] Skill Orb, Limiter Ring


A/N: I forgot about the Rimuru-Sensei title! So I added it.

MC: Weeeeeeee new title!

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!