Chapter 151 Deal and ominous feeling

Ramiris- "A dungeon?"

Rimuru- "Yeah. You know, a giant structure that has all kinds of monsters inside it that you can kill and it gets progressively harder the further you go but it's also very rewarding."

I took Ramiris aside and decided to talk to her about building a dungeon in Avalon. I quite liked the idea of a dungeon in the original series and I can't be fucked making and managing the entire thing myself so I just decided to ask Ramiris to do it.

Ramiris- "But why do you want a dungeon?"

Rimuru- "… Because it's cool."

I mean, it just seems like a nice thing to have, you know? A giant dungeon that's also a treasure trove of rewards just waiting to be uncovered. All the surrounding countries would be jealous of such a thing but I'll just be like "haha fuck you guys" and make it open to everyone while enjoying the suffering of everyone that enters.

Ramiris- "Hmm… I don't think I can just leave this place you know? I mean, lots of things will change if I move to the Jura Forest, so-"

Rimuru- "You can also make a shit ton of money."

Ramiris- "I'll do it!"

Ramiris' golden pupils become replaced with dollar signs. You can feel the greed emanating off her.

Rimuru- "Yeah. We'll split the earnings 50/50 between you and me. It'll be a really easy job!"

Ramiris- "This is considered a job!?"

Oh shit, I might have stepped on a landmine. She might really hate working and there's a good chance she might choose not to do this. Right, I need to fix this-

Ramiris- "Wonderful! Now I won't be considered a jobless shut-in anymore!"

Ramiris spins around midair in joy. Meanwhile, I am just confused as hecc.

Rimuru- "… Yes."

I'll just agree for now.

Ramiris- "Oh, wait a moment, how much money will I earn from doing this?"

Ramiris stops and looks back at me from over her shoulder.

From what I remembered in the novel?

Quite a bit once it ramps up.

But I'm not entirely sure since money isn't considered a strong point for me so…

Rimuru- "… More than you'll ever get from staying here?"

I'll just lie to her. I mean, barely anyone enters the labyrinth because of the false rumours that those who enter never come out, so I doubt she earns much money anyway.

Ramiris- "…"

Rimuru- "…"

Ramiris- "… I see!"


Well, it's not like I need money, but it's needed for Avalon to trade with the rest of the world.

Because I care about the economy.




Hehe. That was a funny joke.

In any case, a deal has been successfully struck between Ramiris and me. She'll drop by a while later after making sure that this country doesn't collapse in on itself.

Yeah, I'm not joking. This small country isn't a part of the Western Council like Dwargon. However, they haven't been attacked by a foreign kingdom for the sole reason that literally every citizen in this country is a spirit user, so it just wasn't worth it.

I'm not sure what will happen if Ramiris just disappears, but I don't want to be responsible for the downfall of an innocent kingdom.

Ramiris teleports us both back to the throne room where the rest of my companions are waiting while playing with some fairies.

Jarvis- "Welcome back, Ramiris-sama. Rimuru-sama, it is good to see you again!"

Jarvis walks up and speaks in that butler voice of his again. I'll never regret summoning him. I should thank Diablo.

Ramiris- "Hai hai! I'm back!"

Ramiris sits on Jarvis' shoulder while nibbling on the meat bun flavoured cookie I made for her.

Rimuru- "Jarvis! I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you?"

Jarvis- "…"

Rimuru- "… I see."

He must have had it tough, huh…

Jarvis nearly breaks down from the sheer relief that came with someone understanding his pain. I bring him into a bro hug.

Rimuru- "It's ok…"

There's nothing else I can do but this.

Meanwhile, Ramiris cluelessly nibbles on her cookie.


Mikoto- "We're going back?"

Rimuru- "Yeah. It's time to go."

Students- "Ehhh?"

Kenya- "Already?"

Rimuru- "Unfortunately, yes. We've been here for a few hours already, and it's nearing sundown."

Time flies, huh.

Illya- "Onii-chan."

Illya tugs my sleeve. I look down at her and she leans her head towards me. She does that when she wants a headpat.

But her expression is a little off. She's not asking for a headpat just for the sake of it. I get a slightly ominous feeling, but I shake it off.

I stroke Illya's platinum blonde hair. As I do so, I can feel a connection. It's Illya, but once again, something's different.

Hinata- 'Rimuru.'

Hinata's voice echoes into my head.

[Thought Communication]? Illya is probably acting as a reception booster to connect Hinata with me even though we're entire kingdoms apart.

However, instead of praising her idea, that ominous feeling comes back.

Rimuru- 'Hinata? What's wrong?'

Hinata- 'Nothing much. I just contacted you to tell you that I've settled the thing we talked about.'

The thing we talked about? Ah, declaring Avalon as a non-hostile kingdom of monsters. That's good.

Rimuru- 'Thank you once again, Hinata. Sorry for the trouble.'

Hinata- 'No, it's all handled. But I didn't call you just for that.'

The ominous feeling grows ever so slightly stronger as I furrow my brows.

Rimuru- 'What is it?'

Hinata- 'The Farmus Kingdom contacted the Church. They wanted our backing in "dealing" with Avalon.'

Does the Farmus Kingdom still want to attack Avalon?

Hinata- 'They were quite pushy about it. Of course, I didn't care about that. They can't do anything to the Luminous Faith. But the thing is, they suddenly stopped all attempts to gain our assistance.'

Rimuru- 'So… you're saying that something is wrong?'

Hinata- 'Yes. They might have obtained backing from another place. Nothing is coming up through my information network, so I'm not entirely sure. But it doesn't seem like they gave up.'

Rimuru- '… Alright. Thank you. I'll be careful.'

Hinata- 'I expect some form of compensation for this warning.'

Without waiting for a reply, Hinata cut the connection.


In any case, the ominous feeling I'm getting is much stronger.

Is this plot armour?





But I don't think I can ignore this.

I would like to personally go back myself, but…

I look towards the students who are chasing some fairies. They look so happy as if a large weight has been taken off them.

I don't want to just leave them behind and I don't think I should take them to Avalon, especially with this ominous feeling. I'll stay with them a bit longer before going back, but until then…

Rimuru- "Mikoto."

I turn to the one I trust the most.

Mikoto- "Hmm?"

Mikoto looks at me with a perplexed expression. She knows I'm not playing around this time.

Rimuru- "I want you to go back to Avalon for me."

Mikoto- "Why?"

Rimuru- "I… don't know. I just have this feeling that something is going to happen. I want you to be there to deal with it."

Mikoto- "Even with Benimaru and the other still there?"

Rimuru- "…"

I don't say anything. Heck, even I'm not sure what's coming. But I want to trust this feeling.

Mikoto then gently smiles at me. It's a smile that says "everything is going to be alright". It's such a warming smile…

Mikoto- "I got it."

Rimuru- "Sorry."

Mikoto- "There's nothing to be sorry about."

Mikoto softly shakes her head.

I return her smile.

Rimuru- "When I get back, can I expect some more cookies?"

She closes her eyes and she grins.

Mikoto- "Umu!"

I wonder why I feel at peace when I'm with her…

I wave my hand and a portal leading to Avalon appears.

Rimuru- "Then I'll be waiting! Oh, and one more thing…"

I take out a softly glowing golden orb from my [Belzebuth] stomach with my left hand while making something using [Ahura Mazda] with my right.

The object I made then turns into golden streams of light and flows into Mikoto. I hand over the golden orb and place it into her hand.

Rimuru- "Make use of them."

Mikoto- "You don't need to tell me twice."

Mikoto places the orb into her pocket and turns around to walk through the portal while waving over her shoulder.

The portal closes behind her and the ominous feeling almost disappears.


Meanwhile, Mikoto looks back at the recently closed portal.

Mikoto- "You've grown so strong, Rimuru. Much more than I ever will…"

Killing the Greater Demon with speeds that she couldn't track, splitting space to such a degree just to kill the Sky Dragon…

Even before those moments, Rimuru was always stronger than Mikoto.

Mikoto- "I'll show you I can keep up with you, Rimuru. I can stand by your side."

With those words that seem more like a promise to herself, she turns around and prepares for whatever will come.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, Limiter Ring


A/N: Where's Pikachu?

MC: Pikachu fucking died.

AN: Idiot. Pokemon can't die.

MC: Oh right. Then he fainted and is recovering... somewhere.

AN: How tf did a fucking Greater Spirit faint?

MC: Anime logic.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!