Chapter 159 Shuna to the rescue

Shogo- "ARGHHHHH!!"

Shogo falls to his knees clutching his missing arm with his other more intact arm.

Kirara- "Shogo!"

Kyoya- "You bastard!"

Kirara shouted out in shock. Shogo specialises in the physical aspect, including defence. Looking at the clean sever sent shivers down her spine.

Kyoya was looking at Benimaru with feigned anger on his face, making it seem he cares for Shogo.

He actually doesn't give a shit about him.

Kyoya- 'What was that? I didn't see him move… No, I must've blinked at that moment. Yeah. There's no way I couldn't track his blade even with my [All-Seeing Eye].'

Benimaru's eyes widen slightly as he looks down at Shogo.

Benimaru- "You dodged that? I was going for your neck."

Benimaru isn't one to toy with his prey and would prefer to instantly kill the opponent, especially after some lessons he took under his Master.

Those "lessons" were actually Rimuru just complaining about why some main characters leave their opponent alive risking a powerup scene when they could just kill them and be done with it.

Benimaru saw the reason in his words and took it to heart (although he would believe Rimuru even if he said the sky was green).

Because of his, he immediately tried to kill Shogo, but out of pure instinct, Shogo was able to move his body out of the way. He still lost his arm though.

(A/N: Benimaru wasn't using his full strength. Because who would use their full strength to kill an ant?)

Benimaru's surprise doesn't last as Benimaru walks towards the trembling Shogo as he shuffles backwards on the ground, clutching his still bleeding arm with beads of sweat pouring down his forehead.

Shogo- "N-No! I-I was wrong, alright? I'll leave! I won't come back! P-Please! PLEEEAASE!"

His plea turned into a squeal at the end as Benimaru continues approaching.

Benimaru- "I won't wait. Although our Master discourages conflicts with humans due to his past, he won't show any mercy to any who oppose him."

He slowly unsheathes his blade.

Benimaru- "And neither will I."

He slashes his blade horizontally, sending it arcing towards Shogo's neck. Without bothering to dodge it, Shogo just continues to beg for his life.

Shogo- "Wait wait WAIT!"

Kirara- "[Stop!]"

A wave of magicules rushes over Benimaru, causing him to freeze in place just as the edge of his blade touches his neck, drawing a single drop of blood.

Shogo- "Hiiii!"

Benimaru strains his body, attempting to shift his body even the slightest inch, but the only thing he could move was his eyes.

He could remove this restraint instantly by flaring his magicules and breaking out in under a second, but he decided not to and hide his strength. In any case, he has a backup plan in case things take a turn for the worse.

Kirara's fear begins to lessen as more confidence fills within her. A small smile spreads on her lips.

Kirara- "Haha… Ahaha! So even you can't resist my [Bewilder] Unique Skill! Ahahaha!"

Kirara laughs at that realisation.

She doesn't have anything to fear! She just has to say a few words while invoking her skill and everyone will follow!

She stares at Benimaru with a glint in her eyes. She opens her mouth.

Kirara- "[Die!]"

But contrary to everyone's expectations…

Nothing happened!

Kirara- "… Eh? Why? Why aren't you dying!?"

Benimaru- "That… would be my backup plan."

Benimaru says with a smile as if everything was under his control. It wasn't, but only he knows that.

And said backup plan makes her presence known.

Shuna- "Brother, I will say this again, but I disapprove of this plan."

Shuna walks up from behind the petrified Benimaru with her shrine maiden sleeves covering her small mouth like always.

Benimaru- "What? I know you had my back."

Shuna- "Hmph!"

Benimaru- "Now, can you help me?"

Shuna- "Help yourself."

Benimaru- "Guh!"

While they have a little banter with each other, Kirara and Kyoya are still processing what just happened. Shogo is still too panicked to realise what just happened and the reincarnator is still looking at this whole scene with a relaxed smile on his face, although when he looks at Shuna, he licks his lips.

(A/N: I feel like throwing up.)

Kirara glares at the pink-haired newcomer.

Kirara- "W-what… How…?"

Shuna- "Hmm? Ah, well our Master has a habit of making many odd items, ranging from a tea kettle that brews tea that tastes like meat buns to an invisibility cloak."

Shuna takes out a small booklet from her sleeve. It's about the size of her hand. The cover is made of black leather and has the words 'The Cheat Sheet' written on its cover in white.

She opens the book and flips through a few pages. The pages were blank, but before long, words started to appear.

Shuna- "Let's see… '[Bewilder]. A Unique Skill that directly sends commands to the target's brains through your voice, allowing you to forcibly control them'. Quite a useful skill."

Shuna closes the book with closed eyes and a blank smile that you would find on McDonald employees.

Kirara- "Haah!? How!?"

Shuna- "I told you, our Master likes to make many items on a whim. Most of the time, he graciously bestows them to his subordinates!"

Her eyes turned into one of a fanatic while she was talking, slightly scaring Kirara.

In reality, Rimuru made those items for fun but eventually got bored and gave them away. Sometimes, he hides random useful items in small shops for the random protagonist to arrive and pick up like a sword that grows stronger alongside its wielder the more things it kills.

Shuna- "When you foolishly mentioned your Unique Skill, it allowed me to find out its effects and make a countermeasure. All I had to do was block your voice from reaching my Brother, and your skill was rendered useless."

Shuna forms a cute smile on her face as she tilts her head while mercilessly shattering Kirara's confidence.

Kirara grits her teeth together before an idea pop into her head.

Kirara- "Then [you can go ahead and die] you fucking monster!"

"Since Shuna was conversing with me, obviously she could hear me" is what was running through Kirara's mind.

But obviously, Shuna won't make such a rookie mistake.

Shuna- "Unfortunate. That won't work…"

Shuna blocked her hearing with magic just like Benimaru and instead used [Magic Sense] and her Unique Skill [Analyst] to interpret what Kirara was saying.

Shuna- "Now then… Brother, how long do you want me to stall for you?"

This causes Kirara and Kyoya to flinch.

Kirara/Kyoya- 'What? They were just stalling?'

Benimaru- "I was waiting for you to finish."

With those words, a red blur flashes past Shuna. A silver streak arcs towards Shogo's neck once more but this time…


It connected.

Shogo's head went flying through the air as his body dropped to the floor.


This was part of the plan they made. Benimaru volunteered himself to "test" all the intruders and to reveal their hidden cards. There was a chance he would die, but it was a risk he didn't want anyone else to take. Everyone, especially Shuna, protested, but he was adamant about it.

Instead, it was decided that a few would follow him under stealth and if necessary, they would assist Benimaru should he be in trouble, hence the "backup plan".

Who knew that they were weaker than expected. Sure, Kirara's [Bewilder] skill caught him off guard, but judging by Shogo's poor performance, you can tell that they have never gone into a life or death battle before.

Benimaru flicks his blade, shaking all the blood off it before sheathing it again.

Benimaru- "Tch, I should've just burned his body…"


A white blur appears behind Kirara. A similar silver flash arcs towards her neck.


However, the blade was halted by another sword held by Kyoya.

Kirara- "Kyaah!"

(A/N: I don't know how to write a girlish scream without making it sound cute.)

Hakurou- "Hooh? And I made sure to hide my presence until the last moment."

Hakurou backs off and sheaths his blade again. Although he was standing casually, his hand resting on the handle of his blade was ready to pull out his weapon and retaliate at a moments notice.

Kyoya- "Hah! You're slow a hell, old man!"

Although he said that, Kyoya was barely able to react. He can't let Kirara die just yet. She could be useful, even as bait.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, Limiter Ring


A/N: Just wanna say that these otherworlders have only ever faced opponents weaker than them and never went into a scenario that requires them to risk their lives, which is why they all acted like bitches and immediately broke once their pride was shattered.


Benimaru and Hakurou are only using their bare minimum of strength. They are acting cautious since they know nothing about the reincarnator or why Farmus is so confident in him.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!