Chapter 177 Akward moment

Mikoto just got a massive power boost and I'm not even sure I can beat her at this point.

I mean she has the fucking Saitama skill. There's just no counter to that. Unless I spontaneously get a Goku Ultimate Skill…

Will she become One Spark Woman? Cos punching isn't really Mikoto's thing.


Rimuru- "Please tell me she won't go bald!"

I mean, I'd still love her if she went bald, but I like her tea-coloured hair.

Illya- "Don't worry, Onii-chan. Becoming a Demon Lord means she becomes a spiritual entity. If she wants hair, she'll have it!"

Illya snickers to herself as she explains, removing my worries.


Shizu- "Nya~?"

Shizu was in the middle of licking herself, cleaning her fur from all the dust that accumulated from the fight with Bryce, when suddenly she stops licking herself and looks into the air.

Suddenly, her golden eyes widen and she blinks them twice before tilting her head.




My god, she's about as cute as Illya!

And then she fucking died-


No, she didn't.

But she did fall asleep and fall over without any warning and very quickly.

I was panicking a bit before I remembered something that happens to every recently born Demon Lord.

The Harvest Festival.

A Harvest Festival is an event that occurs once all the requirements for the evolution to a True Demon Lord are met. Once it is about to begin, the Voice of the World will announce it and it will start immediately and cannot be stopped even by the one undergoing the evolution.

Mikoto is going through the Harvest Festival right now. Her evolution and acquirement of her Ultimate Skill itself is a process of the Festival.

Subordinates of the one undergoing the Festival also receive "gifts". Specifically, everyone who is connected to the one undergoing the Festival through a Soul Corridor. The simplest way to connect someone to you through a soul corridor is to name them.

And Shizu was named by Mikoto.

Shizu probably heard the Voice of the World before falling unconscious as she receives her gifts.

Hehe! I realised what was happening before anyone had to tell me! I'm smart!

(A/N: *Rapidly pressing X*)

I pick Shizu up from the floor and absentmindedly stroke her small body. She barely grew, now that I think about it. She's still around the size of a kitten, so it's easy to carry her in my arms.

I continue to look at Mikoto's body obscured in a cocoon of white lightning compressed to insane degrees due to the protection field I erected around her. I doubt putting up that field is going to be detrimental to her, otherwise Illya would say something.

I'm really going to miss that couch…

Before long, the lightning begins to calm down. Soon, Mikoto's body reveals itself and all that's left is some small sparks of lightning arcing off her skin.

She… doesn't look much different. I feel like her skin became clearer? Her hair became much smoother, but it didn't grow longer or anything.

Her biggest change would have to be her body. Specifically, her "female parts".

Her bust got bigger, if only barely. I can only tell since I stare at them absentmindedly every now and again-


Her hips and waist also shifted into a more "perfect" proportion.

Her tush also grew more "full", again, not by much, but it's noticeable.

And her legs… well, they were perfect as they were so nothing really changed.

It seems as self-conscious as Mikoto is with her body, she subconsciously kept her overall appearance the same. Perhaps, as she grows older, her [Saitama] Ultimate Skill will allow her to break her limits and grow bigger in all the right aspects?

I'm looking forward to it, but Mikoto is fine as she is right now…

Like, really. More than you would think. I'm even salivating. If before Mikoto was a 9/10 losing only to Shizue, then now she's a 10/10 country toppling beauty comparable to her.

Suddenly, Mikoto's eyelids twitch. A sign she's waking up.

I nearly drop Shizu onto the floor as I drop the protective field around Mikoto and walk towards her, kneeling beside the still completely intact couch-


Mikoto's eyes flutter open, revealing her eyes that are the same colour as her hair. I see some electricity dancing within them, making for a mesmerising sight. Her eyes meet mine.

I smile.

Rimuru- "Welcome back Miko-"

Mikoto- "Rimuru!"


Mikoto leaps at me and throws her arms around my neck, surprising me. I didn't expect her to make such movements right after she evolved.

I doubt she's going to let go any time soon, even with Shion and Shuna giving death stares at her.

But they stopped when, very quickly, Mikoto started crying.

A lot.





Rimuru- "Did someone just do a time skip?"

Illya- "It's just your imagination, Onii-chan."


Well, I feel the compulsive need to explain what literally JUST happened, so I thought that…

You know what? I shouldn't think about it.

Anyway, not much happened. Mikoto literally cried herself to sleep and very quickly, everyone else followed.

The females let their emotions show and started crying while the males held it in… except Gobuta and Gabil, they were crying louder than the females. Even Pikachu reappeared and hugged Mikoto's arm, not letting go.

Why were they acting like this? It's simple. It's because they just came out of a life or death battle and the people who they thought they lost came back without a scratch.

Even Shion, who tried to hold her tears back at first, eventually succumbed when the reality of the situation fully sunk in.

And then they all fell asleep. They found a couch (I didn't know I had this many couches in my house), dropped down on it, and slept.

They deserve it. They may be fine physically from all the healing done, but mentally, they must be exhausted. It's been a rush of emotions for them.

But if I had one complaint… it's about how awkward this situation is since everyone is asleep and I'm still awake, standing here like that Mike Wazowski meme.

Well, Illya is here with me so it's not all bad.

I sit down next to a sleeping Mikoto (Pikachu is still hugging her arm) with Illya on my lap and I pat both of their heads. Illya transformed back into her normal form from her Dress of Heaven.

Don't ask me where Shizu went, she disappeared with her bullshit cat powers even while asleep.




Hold on, I just remembered something important!

I lift Illya off my lap and place her beside me as I jump up and use my [Spatial Ruler] skill.

A portal with yellow sparks appear in the air and through the portal, a familiar face falls through.

It's me.

Specifically, it's Clone Rimuru.

He is holding an open coconut in his hand with a straw and paper umbrella in it wearing Hawaiian holiday clothes with sunglasses, he lands perfectly on his feet, looking around and taking in the sudden change of scenery.

I crack my knuckles while walking towards him.

Rimuru- "You motherfucker."

Clone Rimuru- "Wait! Let me expla- *high pitched screaming!*"


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, Shizue's Anti-Magic Mask


A/N: Just realised I never put in Shizue's Mask in the Equipment section so here it is.

MC: *In the distance* Hahaha! More! More screams!

Clone MC: Yamete!

AN: *Sigh*

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!