Chapter 195 Sasuga Ramiris

(Author POV)

Long ago (not really) in a place far, far (not too far) away…

It's a place where there is no sign of civilisation in more than a hundred kilometres radius. There are lots of large, jagged, menacing mountains and there is a fucking HUGE black cloud above them.

The cloud isn't just any cloud, it's a Big Black Cloud-


I mean it's a massive cluster of thunder clouds. It's black, like REALLY black, pitch-black even. If you look closely, you can see black lightning flickering through it, the sound of thunder echoing loudly through the mountains below.

But it's not raining. It's not a cloud that warns of rain, no. It's a cloud that notifies any who sees it that something is going on here. Something big.

Specifically, it's the birth of something big.

Storm Dragon.

Veldora died, and the main part of him necessary for revival, the Veldora Aspect, was trapped within his killer. Recently, it was released, and after finding a magicule rich place, it began to resurrect the one who shall hold this Aspect within it.

Well, technically, it's not a Resurrection, but that's beside the point. Plus, no human would bother finding their way into this part of the world, so… yeah.

Magicules from all over the mountains rush to a single point, taking the form of a being that once terrorised the skies over three hundred years ago.

A large body, a long neck and a head that is both a source of majesty and terror, all covered in impenetrable black scales that normal weapons have no hopes in even scratching.

Powerful legs crack the ground beneath as it slowly pushes against it, its arms reaching forward and pushing off the ground, lifting its body higher as its claws dig deep into the earth.

Its wings stretch and extend, casting a wide, deep shadow, magicules humming as it runs through its leather.

Its eyes open, glowing in a golden light. It exhales a breath of hot air, expelling any excess heat from its recently constructed spiritual body.

Its long neck cranes upwards, looking towards the clouds. Its head shifts lower, looking towards the eastern horizon.

Memories of a human touching its predecessor, draining him of his powers and magicules, eventually killing him and preventing its resurrection run through its head. More memories of another human, a handsome man with white hair and golden eyes comparable to its own also run through its mind.

It grows curious.

It spreads its wings.

And then it flies, heading towards the Jura Forest, towards Avalon.

???- 'I wonder what I'll find…'


I look towards the western horizon and smile.

Rimuru- "A storm is coming…"

I mutter to myself.

Illya/Mikoto- "Cringe."

*-999,999,999 HP*

Rimuru- "*Coughs Blood* Right, what were you saying, Ramiris?"

Ramiris- "I said a Walpurgis was called!"

Mikoto- "A… Walpurgis?"

Mikoto hesitantly asks. It's not just her, the majority of the people in this room don't know what a Walpurgis is. Well, only Illya and I are aware of what exactly a Walpurgis is. Even Gazel, Erald and Hinata are unaware of what exactly this is.

Ramiris proudly puffs out her chest. Barely anyone reacted when she burst through the doors saying that Avalon will get destroyed, so she was a little depressed, but it seems she still has a chance to show off her greatness!

At least, that's what I'm getting from her. God, she's like an open book…

Ramiris- "Fufufu! Allow me to explain! You see, a Walpurgis is an event where all the Demon Lords come together for a special meeting!"

Ramiris continues to explain in a surprisingly comprehendible way.

Walpurgis is an event where, as Ramris explained, Demon Lords come together for a meeting.

A minimum of three Demon Lords needs to consent to launch one. However, once convened, ALL Demon Lords are required to attend. Not attending will be heavily looked down upon. It's seldom forgiven.

Although there were times where some really lazy ones sent representatives instead, apparently you can get away with that.

In Walpurgis, you just basically talk with each other about recent events, things like that. There's food and drinks there too.

Rimuru- "So basically a talk over snacks between Demon Lords?"

Ramiris- "Yeah pretty much."

Hinata- "So… you're a Demon Lord?"

Hinata sceptically asks the flying fairy.

Ramiris- "Hey! I know that look! I'm a bonafide Demon Lord, okay!? I'll sweep the floor with you!"

Ramiris shouts while flying all around Hinata's head.


Hinata pops her rapier out of its sheath by an inch. Immediately, Ramiris stop flying around her and returns to Jarvis' side, hoping no one sees the trail of sweat running down her forehead.

Well, personally, I know that this is just a habitual reaction. She doesn't need to fear Hinata.

Don't get me wrong, Ramiris won't win, but she won't lose either, not with Jarvis on her side.

Mikoto pinches the bridges of her nose and takes a deep breath.

Mikoto- "Ok, so can you PLEASE explain how this Walpurgis relates to Avalon's destruction!?"

Ramiris- "Alright alright, it's like this. Clayman called for a Walpurgis, and Milim and Frey accepted. What Clayman wants to do is to bring to light the issue of Carrion's disappearance and the new city in the Jura Forest."

Soei- "Hmm?"

Soei flinched when Ramiris mentioned Carrion's disappearance?

Rimuru- "Something you wanna add, Soei?"

Soei- "Nothing much. I just thought now would be a good time to mention that Milim attacked Carrion and seemingly killed him. Forgive me, Rimuru-sama, I didn't inform you of this before."

Rimuru- "Nah, I wouldn't have cared anyway."

I mean, it's just a Demon Lord's death, nothing special.

Soei- "I see. Although, I might as well mention that I doubt Carrion is dead."

True, Carrion isn't dead. Or at least, according to my memory about the original series.

Illya- "So you're saying Clayman wants to take over both Carrion's territory and Avalon, and if he can't take over Avalon he will destroy it?"

Ramiris- "Well, I doubt he can destroy it, he doesn't have the strength nor connections for that. But he can hinder the city's growth."

Pfft, I doubt that. Not with Illya on my side. Well, barely anyone knows about her though, so I can't blame Ramiris for not knowing her capabilities.

Mikoto- "And what about the new Demon Lord in Avalon?"

Mikoto asks Ramiris. I mean, Mikoto is a Demon Lord, albeit she hasn't proved herself yet so she hasn't been accepted into the circle.

Ramiris- "…"

Mikoto- "…"

Ramiris- "… There's a Demon Lord in Avalon!?"

Of course, I should expect nothing less from Ramiris. Obviously, she hasn't heard about it yet…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Today, I mixed my coffee with redbull instead of water.

Now I can SEE NOISES. ⊙_⊙

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!